Chapter 15

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Evie's POV

Listening to my earlier thoughts, I run back to his house, and straight to his room.

I lie down on the bed, and sob.

What am I supposed to do. My mate is with someone else, and I have no where to go. Oh, I know.


I grab one of his shirts to calm my wolf, and change into that and a pair of black shorts.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab nutella, oreos, and popcorn and walk to the basement where the other guest bedroom is.

Putting my stuff on the twin-sized bed, I turn on the tv to The Vampire Diaries, and start watching it.

While eating my snacks, I end up crying all over again, and spilling the snacks all over the bed.

Groaning, I clean the mess up, turn the tv off, and crawl back into the bed. Falling asleep, smelling like him.


He hasn't been back to the house.

It's been 4 days, and not once has he been here. He really doesn't care anymore.

The past 4 days have been hell.

I haven't showered.

I've eaten almost everything in the house. So now I feel fat.

And my wolf stopped talking to me. I know she's hurt, but so am I!

I hear knocking on the door, and instantly perk up.

Wait, he wouldn't be knocking.

Instantly I lay back down and watch more tv, hoping whoever it is will just go away. Hah, funny.

Instead of leaving, whoever it is decides to pick the lock and come inside. Instanlty I can smell there scent.

It's Bianca.

I can hear her calling out to me, but I stay quiet. This is the last thing I need right now.

After about 10 mintutes, me thinking she left, she pops her head into the room. Making me roll my eyes.

"What?" I mumble, turning my attention back to the tv.

"You need to come back!" She whines, sitting down next to me.

I ignore her, and continue watching Friends.

"Show him what he's missing! We all know he fucked up! Make him feel the same way you do!" She shakes me, making me groan.

"What's the point." I sigh, and turn to face her.

"Just do it. Please? For me?" She asks, hopeful. I sigh.

"Okay..for you" I say, and not a moment later is she pulling me out of the bed, and up the stairs to the living room which we pass and move on to his bedroom.

She keeps on pushing me to the bathroom, until I' and she locks the door from the outside.

"Shower! You stinck!" She yells through the door, and I glare at her through the door. I know that, but yiu dont need to point it out!

I turn on the shower, and while its heating up, I strip out of the clothes I have been wearing for the past 4 days, and step in. Letting the hot water cascade down my body.

I use his shampoo and conditioner, meaning that it's the only one here, and wash my hair and body then step out. Immediately goosebumps appear on my skin, so I wrap myself in a fluffy white towel, and walk out of the bathroom door.

I can see an outfit lying on the bed, and walk over to it. She has pretty good taste.

There are a pair of fishnet leggings, a pair of blue jeans that are ripped in the knees, and a long-sleeved black crop top thats see through besides an area that is shaped like a bra. And lace undergarments.

I slip on the clothes, and blow dry my hair, then curl the ends. I leave my face makeup free.

I walk dosn the stairs, and stop when I feel a slight pain in my abdomen.

Ignoring it, I walk to where Bi is and tap her on the shoulder.

She turns around and she sqeals.

"You look so beautiful! I mean you did before, but now! Wow!" She rambles, and I laugh. She eventually calms down.

"Ready to show my dumbass brother what he's missing?" She smirks, and I can feel myswlf doing the same.

"Let's do it."


We ran to the pack house, and the guards quivkly let us in.

I followed Bianca to the kitchen where she said she was going to make cookies, and popcorn so her and I, and a bunch of her friends can watch a movie.

She started the cookies, so I grabbed the popcorn maker and waited until it heated up. I would just use the microwave bags, but I need a lot more than that.

After a few moments, I pour in the kernals and salt, and close the lid.

It doesn't take long before they start popping, so I turn around and start helping Bi with the cookies.

It takes a lottle longer than the popcorn, but we eventually finish and pit them in the oven.

"Woo" She says, wiping fake sweat off of her forehead.

"That was a lot of work." She jokes, smiling. I playfully roll my eyes, and pour the popcorn into a few big bowls. Then the pain from earlier comes back.

It's much worse this time, and I have to suck in a breath.

"What's wrong?" Bianca asks, looking over at me. Concern written all over her face.

"Oh..ah nothing. My stomache just hurts is all." I tell her, and her fave quickly turns into one.of surprise.

"Evie, when was the first met Brax?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"The night of the ball. Why?" I ask, and she starts pushing me out of the kitchen, and out the back door.

"Your heat. You need to leave."


Yay or nay?

Good or bad?

It's a little short but, the next one will be longer.

Alpha Braxton ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora