Chapter 6

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The day of the ball in Braxton's P.O.V

Today is the day of the ball.

Am I nervous? Hell yeah.

Am I excited? Double hell yeah. I might actually find me mate today. I'll promise to love her forever, even if I sound like a girl.

I go downstairs, out of my office to get breakfast. There's no one there yet, meaning that it's only seven right now. My pack gets up at around 8 every morning, meaning that we have training. There's a reason why this pack is the strongest. All it needs is it's Luna, meaning that my parents stepped down when I turned 18. They are living in a cabing out in the woods, away from the pack house.

I get my plate of food and sit down at my spot and begin eating.


It's around 5 now, and my pack is just finishing up the touches of our ballroom, meaning that the ball starts at six and all.

I'm putting on my all black tux, with my white bow tie.

I'm just finishing up when my beta, Tucker knocks on my door.

"Come in!" I yell, and turn to face him.

He already has his black and white tux on hen he walks in.

"They're all done setting up, they are just as excited as you are." He smiles, even though you could see the excitement in his own eyes. He hasn't found his mate either.

"Good, I'll be down there when the guests start arriving." I tell him, facing the mirror again.

Tucker is my best friend, as cliche as that sounds. But that's what happens when you have someone that you have too see every single day.

I finish with my tie as soon as Tucker mind links me.

"The guests are arriving"


I walk down the stairs and see the room already packed, he said that they were arriving like two minutes ago? How did it get so packed already?

Shrugging, I walk into the packed room. Meaning that we have masks on, nobody besides Tucker and my mate will know it's me.

As I'm walking, a girl with long brown hair, and thin lips bumps into me.

"Oh, sorry! I'm just so clumsy." She giggles with a smirk on her face, shamelessly checking me out.

"I'm Kat, what's your name handsome?" She outstreches her hand. Me, being tought to always be respectful, shake her hand.

"I'm.." I pause, thinking of a name, she doesn't need to know my real name.

"B, I'm B."

Real original Brax. My wolf, Ace snickers. Yeah, like you could do any better.

He ignores my comment and continues to laugh.

"Bee? That's an interesting name.." She trails off, looking up at me with her hazel cat-like eyes.

I can feel someone looking at me, so I turn around and am met with bright blue eyes. Her lips are slightly parted as she realizes I caught her staring. Oh, and that I'm her mate. Wait, mate!

Mate! Mate! Go get mate!

I follow my wolf's commands and weave through the crowd of people, acting like their purposely trying to block my path. It irritates me.

Hurry up!

Finally, I make it to her and look down at her small frame. She has long blonde hair, rolled in curls flowing down her back like a waterfall, and full pink lips.

She's standing at about my chest, and has to take a step back to look at me, instantly my wolf doesn't like her moving away from us. I have to remind him that she actually has to look up at us.

"May I have this dance?" I aak in a clearly failed attempt at an accent. She laughs and copies my fake accent, hers being slightly better.

"Of course." After hearing that, I take her hand in mine, and lead her to the dance floor.

When we get there, I put my hands on her waist, and she puts hers on my shoulders. Me loving the way the sparks erupt everwhere we touch.

Mark her! We can't lose her!

I 100% agree, but I can't just mark her here in front of everyone.

Instead, I start talking.

"I can't believe I found you" I say softly, waiting for her reaction. Her eye brows furrow.

"Really?" She questions. I can't help as my eyes trail down to her lips.

I nod.

"You look ravishing. My wolf wants to mark you so you can't get away." I whisper, leaning down in her ear. She shudders.

Damn right I do!

I watch as a blush forms on her neck, traveling up to her face. She's adorable.

"Well, meaning that I already found you, I don't need this anymore-" I slide my mask off of my face and watch the color drain from hers.

Her breathing hitches and then increases drastically, and she starts backing away. Instantly, my face fills with confusion and hurt.

What? Where is she doing? She can't leave us. Ace's pain filled whine fills my head.

"Whe-" I don't get to finish before she bolts. I yell at her to stop, but she doesn't.

Everyone's staring at me, some in pity, others in confusion. I growl at all of them and they turn away.

What the hell just happened?


After running after her, and then losing her, I return to the ball where Tucker is sitting outside the doors.

"Find her." I growl and walk to my room, slamming the door behind me. How could this happen? As soon as I find her she runs? I should've known that I'd be left mateless, the moon goddess is punishing me for no reason.

I rip off my tie as a howl rips through the air. It's her howl. Look how pathetic I am, calling my mate her. I don't even know her name. All I know is that she smells like strawberries, and she's perfect.


How'd you like it? Please give me your feedback!

Till next time!

Alpha Braxton ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum