Chapter 5

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Evie's P.O.V

I didn't know where I was going, but I know I had to get far enough away that they couldn't find me.

While driving, I had to stip by the gas station to fill up on gas, and get stuff for my trip, such as a plain black coffee, and a bottle of water. And of course, chocolate. It's my weakness.

While at the counter to pay for my things, I smelled something, something I didn't wish to encounter.


Quickly, so they wouldn't spot me, I paid for my stuff and ran out to my car to get on the road again, barely making it.

I drove only on the parts of lands that weren't owned by any pack, I didn't need any of that excess drama right now.

After a few hours of driving, I parked in a nearby Motel to stay for the night, it was farely cheap and was the only one around for miles.

I payed and went to my room, making sure to lock the door behind me. I have to get a job soon, otherwise I won't have enough money to pay for everything.

The room was a lot nicer than I expected, with a bed in the far corner, a couch, and a side table around right by the couch. Then there was a door that lead to a small bathroom.

I set my bag and purse on the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. It's been a long day.

After taking my shower I took out my sketchbook and began drawing my mates face. Starting with his bright green eyes.


I awoke earlier than expected, but I guess the early bird gets the owrm so I might as well get up now and not try to sleep in.

I pack up my stuff and walk out to my car to leave, noticing a girl with half black and half blonde hair sitting on the sidewalk next to my car. She looks up when she sees me.

"Hi.." I smile shyly, not really knowing what to say.

She chuckles at my shyness and speaks up.

"Hi. Like your car." She says, nodding her head to my car.

"Thanks. Um, well nice talking to you" I stammer awkwardly, opening my cardoor and slipping inside.

But before I can shut my door, she hollars out.

"Could you uh, give me a ride? If its not to much trouble of course." She asks me, looking like I just did a minute ago. Well, why the hell not.

"Of course" I smile at her and she returns it before standing up and brushing off.

I close my door as soo as she gets in, and I start the car, leaving this motel behind.

"Where too?" I ask her, maybe I could go there too.

"Oh! Um Jacksonville. (I have no idea if that is a real place)" She tells me, and I nod. It's only about an hour from here.

After about 5 minutes of silence, O get bored.

"Hey, wanna play 20 questions?" I ask her, a playful smirk on my face.

"Sure. I'll start, what's your favorite color?"


We talk all the way we get there, becoming really fast friends. We talked about her family, and mine. Leaving out the part about me being a werewolf.

She talks about her roommate who I will have to meet, and where she works at. A CD shop.

Too soon, we get to where she needs to get dropped off at so we exchange numbers and promise to see each other soon.

I drive through Jacksonville for a little while, stopping at a Diner to get something to eat, realizing that I haven't eatin anything but my chocolate since yesterday.

I sit down at a table by the window and wait for someone to serve me. Soon, a girl with short brown hair greets me.

"Hi! Can I start you off with a drink?" She asks me, her hazel eyes shimmering in the sunlight.

"Um yeah, can I just get a water?" She nods happily, and writes it down.

"And for food?" She asks again.

"A cheeseburger and fries" I tell her before she skips away.

Some time later she returns with my food, and someone sits directly in front of me.

He has chocolaty skin, dark brown buzzed hair, and aqua colored eyes. Pretty cute, but not as cute as Braxton. Damn it, why am I thinking about him?

After he sits down, his scent hits me. He's a wolf, and a high ranking one at that. He also looks familiar.

I mutter wolf under my breath, and sigh.

"Can I help you?" I ask quizzically. But regret it once I figure out who he looks like.  Tucker Niall. The Prince's soon-to-be beta. Well shit.

"Ah yes actually. I came here looking for someone who fits your exact description. I've been looking for you all night." He tells me. And just then do I notice how tired he actually looks, he has bags under his eyes, and his hands are figeting together on top of the table.

"He's looking for me" I say just above a whisper. Why can't he just let me go and find someone worthy as his mate?

He nods.

"Very much so. You should've seen him, you absolutely crushed him." I know he isint trying to make ne feel bad, but I start to feel like shit anyways.

I look down at my burger, not hungry anymore. Instead, I take a sip of my water which tastes bad in my mouth.

"I'm assuming he wants you to bring me back then?" Why can't he just leave my alone, I wanted to be free. Well, that's debatable now. After that dance with him, my opinion changed drastically.

He nods, looking out into space.

"What about my car? Did my family get my notes? Are they looking for me too?" I bombard him with questions. The last thing I wanted was to make more problems for everyone, but clearly I can't even do that right.

He slightly chuckles, looking back at me.

"I'll have someone get your car. Yes, everyone got your notes, sometime last night Brax went to find your house, as creepy as that sounds. And no, I told them that I'd find you. And look! I did!" He exclaims.  

It's my turn to chuckle, even with my throat feeling like I've swollowed a sock.

"Well, better leave then." I sigh, my world is just crubling down around me.

"Yeah, come on.." He says sofly, standing up.

I sigh again and stand up with him, what am I supposed to do?

Well, I know one thing.

I wave my hand at my waitress. As soon as she gets here, I ask her for a to-go box.

There's no way I'm leaving my food here.


Hope you enjoyed! 2 updates in a day! I'm on a roll!

Hope you enjoyed!

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