- I'm Not A Lady (Arya Stark/Gendry Waters)

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Arya get's in an awful situation, and Gendry helps her out.


In this story, Arya is 12 years old.
Gendry is 16 years old.

And in this story, Gendry still has no idea that Arry is a girl.

Arya Stark, who called herself Arry, had now been travelling with the brotherhood without banners for two days. Arya had always liked the company of boys and men more than the company of girls and women. Boys and men said exactly what they were thinking, and they did whatever they wanted to do. Arya related to boys more than girls anyway.

The way they did things around here, was so different from what she was used to. There were some complications, though; She had to disguise herself as a boy, and nobody could know that she was actually Arya Stark of Winterfell. She would have to act like a boy all of the time, even when she was asleep. She couldn't risk anyone finding out about her true identity. Arya knew it would be quite the challenge for her, because let's face it, who can control what they do in their sleep? Arya had no powers like that, which meant she would have to hope for the best.

Whenever the boys went to bathe, she would stay behind in their camp and clean Needle. Then, at nightfall, she would eventually sneak out of their camp, and into the forest where the lake was. She would wash off the dirt from the day, and wash away all of her worries and thoughts. Then she would have her night-swim, as Arya liked to call it. The peace and darkness at that time of night seemed perfect for her. Nobody had noticed her sneaking out yet, which Arya appericiated very much. Arya did not want her little secret to be spoiled. Arya did her very best to keep her secret a secret. Arya never felt completely by herself, though.

On the first day, she made two new friends; Gendry and Hot Pie. Gendry was a skilled blacksmith, and Hot Pie was an orphan. It actually surprised Arya, that neither of them had noticed anything odd about Arry. Perhaps she was just good at being a boy, or acting like a boy atleast. The sleeping arrangements were definietly a big issue for Arya and her secret.

She had to share a bed with Gendry, and they had to lay very close to eachother, since the bed was suitsble for one person. Sometimes they had a bed to sleep in, most of the time they had to sleep on the hard ground, in a forest. Arya found herself getting anxious everytime Gendry moved an inch in the bed. What if he accidently touched her body, or felt it some way? Would he feel something was off? Gendry, and all of the other boys always slept shirtless and with their breeches on.

Gendry had started to ask Arya, why she didn't sleep shirtless, now it was so warm out. Arya had just chuckled, and told him that she always got cold during night-time. Peeing was not that easy for her either. All of the boys just went whenever they needed it, Arya had to think about how and when she could go. If they saw her, they would wonder why she was squatting instead of standing up. She would always have to go deep in the forest, hide behind a tree or a rock before peeing.

Arya woke up, the sun shone down on her, from the treetops towering over her. The slight breeze moved her short hair around. They had all slept outside tonight, which Arya didn't mind at all. That meant she had more space for herself, and she didn't have to fight over the blanket with Gendry. Her secret was safe once again.

"Goodmorning, Arry." A voice came from behind her. She quickly turned around, "Goodmorning, Gendry." A small smile appeared on Gendry's lips as she spoke. Arya couldn't deny it; He was pretty good looking, and he was quite handsome. He was rough, but in a good way. Perhaps, she saw herself in him. Arya got up from the hard ground, and looked around; Everyone in the camp had started to wake up, the sound of crispy leaves could be heard everywhere.

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