- h o m e 2

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Pairing: Theon Greyjoy x Reader

Request: i beg you to do something about theon x reader, mb home part 2 or something. it was really great, but my heart still broken after readin so please pretty please do part 2. mb something like theon and reader discuss their feelings, and off course it's not perfect, but it's getting better. or mb like she think about what ramsay do to him "robb surely like to see theon dead, but what ramsay did to him is 100 times worse than death."

Wordcount: 2,207

A/N: Takes place between 7x05 and 7x06

You were lucky that the dragon mother chose not to press you with questions, though you supposed if she really wanted questions she could go to Jon or Tyrion. You couldn't help but wonder just how much the Lannister could recall about the two of you from his visit to the north all those years before. A part of you was tempted to ask him, during one of the quieter moments in the castle, but there had been more pressing things on your mind.

Bran and Arya were alive. The two little siblings you had mourned for for so long were alive, safe and well behind winterfell's walls. The thought made your head spin. After what happened to Rickon and Ramsey's hands you had convinced yourself that the two of them must have joined the seven heavens, they would have been better for it rather than leaving them to suffer in this cruel realm alone. You had been wrong, if this letter handed to you was to believed, you couldn't help but wonder what the two of them had been through, something within you knew that it could not have been easy, the fates had stopped being kind to your family long ago.

You couldn't help but envy Sansa, the fact that she was there with them, whilst you once more looked like a fool for leaving your family home. Still there was little you could do about it now Jon needed you here his advisor at his side, a true blooded Stark to ensure that the Targaryen queen took him seriously.

You promised yourself that when this was all over and the night king was but a legend once more the five of you would be together once more. Still there was plenty strings that seemed to be pulling the lot of you apart.

"I'll go with you," you voiced. You were a strong fighter, not so good with a sword but quick on your feet and accurate when you tugged on a bow string.

"No," Jon spoke silencing your idea. "We can not risk you, if I die then you are the rightful ruler of the north... Besides someone needs to keep eye on the dragon glass,"

"Jon-" You began to complain but Daenerys beat you to it.

"You can have full reign of the castle while your here my lady, You can hardly blame Lord Snow for not wanting to send his sister into danger,"

"Then let me at least go the wall, I can help Davos or return to our siblings," You argued, hating the feeling you were simply being brushed aside once more.

"Forgive me my Lady," Tyrion interrupted "I believe what your brother is trying to say is that he needs someone he can trust here and if you don't mind me saying, you do have some unfinished business here,"

You were annoyed to say the least, but you bowed your head and said little else, knowing when to chose your battles.

The beach seemed less enchanting the next time you stood upon it, the routine of bidding brother's goodbye all too fatiguing by now. He was not alone of course, he had Davos for now at least, and Tormund was not about to let your brother face such horrors alone, but your brother's had almost all died once now, and you could not shake the feeling that this may well be the last time you laid your eyes on Jon once more. You dug your fingernails into the skin of your palm in an attempt to prevent yourself from crying as you watched the boats begin to be pushed out into the water. you had to keep up a calm exterior, you were still after all a wolf in the dragon's den.

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