She continued her squealing with Rabi'ah while I rolled my eyes

"How did this happen?!, Gist me!" she exclaimed

I made quick eye contact with Rabi'ah and she started to tell her a fabricated story of how I and Umar left right on spot

Well not completely fabricated since she started with saying we met at Halima's party

I was laying on my bed using my phone when the noises began to to get louder

I knew my uncles have arrived but it seemed like more people arrived

Rabi'ah looked out the window with salma and they all let out out a gasp

I walked up to them to see what they were looking at

Oh wow

Black cars were just parked everywhere around our compound, some were even outside

All these people managed to come and they didn't even know about it until like 24 hours ago

His Family sure has an obsession with black cars

It took about 20 minutes hit every one to settle down

Rabi'ah and Salma had to go out of the room to help with taking the food to the parlor

And then there was me...

All alone

My phone rang to see a message from Umar

'Come outside'

How does he expect me to come outside without getting seen

I sighed and I went out of the room

I was hearing voices all around the house

Immediately I went out the front door I saw Umar with his arms wrapped around a little girl that looks around 9 years old wearing a red atampa skirt and blouse, with her braids running down her shoulder

I didn't know what amazed me more, how much she looked like Umar and how beautiful she was or how Umar was wearing a kaftan

"Hameeda, this is my sister, Aliya" he said

He has a sister???

"Ya Umar, she's sooo pretty!" She said style


Compliments from children have to be the best thing ever

I gaped at her "look who's talking, YOU are so pretty"

She untangled her self from Umar and she ran to hug me

I hugged her back

"Ya kike?" I asked her

"Lafiya, you??"

"I'm good!"

She turned to Umar "can I stay with her pleaseeeee"

He narrowed his eyes at her before he turned to me and he raised an eyebrow

I nodded, I was bored anyways, she'll be a good company

"Ok then, I'll pick you up later" he said and he turned to leave

"Aren't you staying?" I asked him

"No" he replied and he turned to leave

I held Aliya's hand and we went into the house

I brought her into my room

I excused myself and I sneaked into the kitchen and I brought her a chilled Capri-sun I found in the fridge

And some chin chin Zulaiha finished frying some minutes ago

She smiled when I gave it to her, she immediately dug into the chin chin

I laughed at her

"How old are you?" I asked her

"I'm eight " she said with a grin

I smiled when I noticed her missing tooth

"Inyeeeh, Ashe kin dawo big girl" I said (Wow, so you're a big girl now)

She nodded

"Wani class kikeh?" I asked her (what class are you in)

"Grade 2" she said

"which school?" I asked

Her face turned sad "I'm home schooled"

I know it wasn't safe for Umar Kashim's sister to be in a public place because of his fame...but still

I wrapped my hand her shoulder "cm'on cheer up, it's very nice to be home schooled, you learn more and you become very very intelligent"

Her eyes lit up "really?"

I nodded "really"

"Just like Ya Umar?" She asked

"Just like Ya Umar"


Aliya is so cute 🤧🤧

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Sorry for the late update 😬😬

I was really busy today

Luv: M🤝

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