The guy nodded and he left

Chris started driving again

I turned to Umar "there are many cars there, how would he find mind" I asked

"He'll figure it out" he said

"And how does he know my house?" I asked

Umar shrugged as he scrolled through his phone

Before I knew it we were at my house

My eyes closed

I opened them and I turned to Umar

"Ok, so you're going to meet my father in a suit?" I asked

He shrugged "seems like it"

"Ok, this has been the weirdest week of my life" i said as I went out of the car

He also came out

And I walked towards the gate with Umar behind me

I saw Baba's driver so I knew he was home

We walked into the house and I took us straight to Baba's living room

Baba was sitting on the couch he normally sits on

I salamed and I entered followed by Umar

Baba turned to us looking confused 

Umar sat on the other couch facing Baba

And well...I just found my self a space to sit on the carpet

Baba seems to have known Umar because they exchanged greetings and they entered a conversation that I don't even know what's about

When they finished their chit chats Baba turned to me waiting for an explanation

"Ba-..Baba, he's th-..the suitor I have" I said

This sounds really ridiculous

He turned to Umar "oh really, already?"

"Then would like to give us some space to talk" Baba said to me

I nodded and I rushed out of the living room

I ran into my room to see Rumaisa, Rabi'ah and Stephanie right where I left them

Are they even humans

"So all this time you guys have been here?" I asked

"Yeah, where have you been?" Rabi'ah asked


"Why is there a mark that looks like a slap on your face?" She asked

"Can we not talk about my face right now, what were you people talking about before I came in"

"Umar Kashim" Stephanie chirped in

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