"Zulaiha meh wannan?" She asked (what is this?)

"Su katin neh" she said and she turned and she left (it's the cards)

"Ooo, the cards are ready" Rumaisa said as she crawled to were the bag was and she tore the bag before she brought out one card

"Hameeda Yusuf Ali weds Sanusi Abubakar bello" she read out

I clenched my bracelet tighter

Aunty noticed that and she snatched the card away from Rumaisa and she dropped it back into the bag

"Don't touch it, wait until your father comes back" she said

Rumaisa nodded before she went back to her normal position

"Hameeda shikenan? You don't want any other lace?" Aunty asked (is that all?)

"Yes, these ones are ok, ca-..can I go back to my room?" I asked

"Sure" she said

I nodded and I went back into my room

I laid down on the bed and I realized it was time for asr so I
stood up, I performed ablution and came out

I put on my hijab and I started praying

When I was done I prayed to Allah to choose what's best for me

I laid down on my bed when the door opened and Rabi'ah walked in

"I realized you were having a bad day, so come on, let's go out" she told me, standing by the door

I smiled as I stood up and I took my veil before I followed her out of my room

I told Aunty I was going out and we left

We entered her car and she began driving

"Where are we going?" I asked

"I don't even know. Where do you want to go?" She asked

I shrugged

"Ok then, let's have lunch" she said

"At 4pm?" I asked

"So?, who says we can't" she said with a smirk

"It's like Umar Kashim has travelled" she said out of the blue

"Really? How did you know"

"I have one of his friends on Snapchat, and the guy posted Umar in one place like this, it's like they went together" she said

"Oh" I said

She turned the on the radio and the song cheap trills played on the radio

A chuckle escaped my lips when I remembered when this song played in Umar's car and I sang along with it only for him to get annoyed...as always

"What?" Rabi'ah asked

"Nothing" I said

We stopped at a restaurant and we came out

We entered and we ordered our food

Our drinks arrived first before the food later arrived

We were eating and talking when a girl came up to us with a grin

I looked up and I smiled at her a little


"Hi" she said

"Hello" i replied

"You're Hameeda right?" The girl asked

"Yes" I said

"You're very pretty Masha Allah, Baba showed us your picture"

At this point i was feeling weird

Rabi'ah frowned "excuse me, who are you?"

The girl face palmed her self before she turned to me again "sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Malika, you're marrying my dad"

Well that was very blunt

"Oh..ya kike?" I awkwardly said (how are you?)

"Lafiya" she said with a grin

"Sorry for disturbing you, I just wanted to say hi" she said

"No problem, take care" I told her

She smiled before she walked out of the restaurant with a plastic bag in her hand

I suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore so I pushed my plate away and I took a sip from my smoothie

I looked at Rabi'ah "are you done?" I asked

"Oh come on, don't let this spoil your mood" she said

I shrugged and I smiled a little "it already is"



How are you people doing?

Ayya, our Umar and Hameeda ship is breaking apart ☹️☹️☹️

How do you feel about this 'Baba' sanusi? 😂

I honestly forgot that I was supposed to update after three days now 😂🤦🏾‍♀️

Sorry for the delayyyyy


Love, M🖊

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