I went out the door, the gateman opened the gate and I went out

I looked around before I saw his car at the far corner of the street

I walked there and I opened the car

I entered and I tried covering my face with my veil because my eyes were already red without me even crying

He passed me some files

I collected them and I looked at them in confusion

"Finish this work" he said

I rolled my eyes

He won't let me be for a single day!

I tried to even my voice before I spoke "I don't have a pen"

He handed me a pen

It's like this guy is always prepared

"Really? Even today?" I asked as I reluctantly collected the pen

"You can't miss a day of work" he said

I started to work on the first file

I was halfway done with the first one when I turned to look at him

He was busy using his phone

I quickly looked away before he could catch me looking at him

I finished the first one and I threw it in the backseat

I started doing the second one and I finished it faster than the first one

I threw the other one in the back seat too

I was in the middle of doing  the third when he spoke

"What?" He said

"What?" I asked without looking at him

"You're surprisingly quiet" he said

I didn't know why, but that suddenly reminded me of my talk with Baba

I dropped the pen and my hands came to my face before I burst out crying

I couldn't see Umar's face but he probably looked shocked

I could feel him taking the file and pen from my lap

And throwing it in the back seat

When I calmed down and I wiped my tears he spoke

"Hameeda, you can go" he said

"I'm not don-..done with the last file" I said

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it" he said

"Sorry" I said before I went out of the car

I ran to the gate and I entered inside the house

Immediately i was in I ran to my room

I laid on my bed and I cried

I cried like I've never done before

I felt like my whole life was over

Getting married off to someone I did not want to marry 

And what was scaring me more was that I didn't know the person

I kept crying until I fell asleep


I woke up to see Rabi'ah, Aunty and Rumaisa in the room

"What is wrong?" I asked as I tried to sit up

"I woke in to find you drenched in tears with a very high fever" Rabi'ah said

That's when I felt a Luke warm towel placed on my forehead

"Oh" I said

Aunty looked at Rabi'ah and Rumaisa and they left the room

"I'm sorry Hameeda, but we both know your father won't change his mind, I honestly tried my best, but this is your destiny and you have to embrace it" she said

This is going to make me cry again

"kin san waye neh?" I asked with a low voice (do you know who it is)

"Na sani" (I know)

"Who is it?" I asked

"Your father's friend's brother" she said

"What's his name?" I asked


"How old is he?"

"I think he's in his late forties or early fifties" she said

I bursted out crying again

"Bana so" I said as I cried on her shoulder (I don't want this)

"Hameeda Kiyi hakuri" she said as she hugged me tighter (I'm sorry)


How are you all doing???

Ayya Hameedan mu 😢😢

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Love, M🍒

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