Chapter 26

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   Asterin jumped out of the car and ran towards the door. She banged on it as she violently cried. As soon as Avery opened the door, Asterin ran inside looking for Aelin. She found her in her room sitting on the bed with Ivan. Aelin stood up when she saw her and Asterin engulfed her in her arms.

   "Oh my gosh, you are okay!" She grabbed her face and noticed a small plaster on her head. "W-what happened to your head?" She cried.

    "It's nothing babe," Aelin said wiping her tears.

   Asterin pulled away and looked at Ivan. "What happened?" Ivan looked at Aelin and then at her. "Tell me now."

   "Well, I was going home when it happened. Aelin was skating in full speed and ended up getting knocked." Asterin gasped. "It's nothing to worry. Just a small scar. She actually had a panic attack and fainted. The car barely touched her. I brought her home. When she woke up she kept crying about you leaving her."

   She turned to Aelin and grabbed her hand. "Listen to me. Listen very carefully okay. Listen clearly. I love you a lot and nothing can ever separate us. If my parents don't agree, I'll find a way and make them agree. I will NEVER EVER leave you. I promise."

   Aelin shook her head and smiled. "You are the best girlfriend ever," she said and wrapped her arms around Asterin pulling her close for a kiss. Avery walked in and Ivan nudged Asterin. They pulled away and looked at her.

   "Asterin did you come along with someone?"

   "Oh yes, my brother."

    "Call him in darling. Let him have a cup of tea."

   She nodded and went outside. She told her brother to come in and he followed her into the house feeling a bit awkward because of the knew crowd. Avery greeted him and Asterin introduced her to him. She left him to sit on the couch and went into the room. Aelin was pacing about nervously. She grabbed her hand and stopped her.

   "It's okay. He totally supports us. Don't worry. Let's go."

  She nodded and they three left the room together. Aelin felt very nervous. She didn't meet any of her ex's family members so meeting Asterin's brother was new. Even though she had met Asterin's parents before, they never knew her secret so it was less nerve-wracking but Alex knew it all. Aelin saw a tall blonde hair guy sitting on the couch. He had a well built body and was very mascular. Asterin introduced Ivan first and then Aelin. She stretched out her hand but he pulled her into a hug. The gesture felt nice coming from him.

    "I've heard a lot about you. Apparently, you are the one that's making my rinny bear become her old self."

   Aelin blushed.

   "Loosen up mate. I won't split you two. Don't worry. You got my 100% vote."

    "Thank you so much. Asterin has told me a lot about you too."

    The conversation went on and they all seemed to enjoy each other's company.


    Over the past month, everything has been great. Many things happened. Alex and Asterin hung out a lot. Sometimes Aelin/Aiden would join them. The only alone time they shared was when they walked home together but that was okay because during college they were always together. They even made two new friends. Melvin Georges: Tall Muscular, icy blue eyes perfectly contrasted with his Auburn hair and in the words of Ivan "He had stunning features." McKenna Georges, brother of Melvin. Sliky back hair and emerald eyes will be the first thing any girl would notice. A hot jock not the asshole kind more of a charmer according to Asterin, and a stunning football player.  

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