Chapter 3

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   After they both finished eating, Asterin said goodbye to her new friend and crossed the road. Once again she saw the same mop of curls walking on the road. She sprinted off towards them while yelling, "Heyy! Wait!"

   Somehow she managed to catch up to them and tap their shoulders. They turned around and that's when she noticed the difference. Same hair, same body structure but the person in front of her was a boy wearing boy's clothes. She looked at his face and notice the different eye colour. The boy had hazel brown eyes and he was also wearing glasses but he had similar features like the girl. She checked his ears and found no piercings.

   "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were my friend," She apologised

   That boy simply nodded and walked away. She carried a frown on her face as she walked back to the shop.

   Could they be a twin? She wondered.

   After her shift was over, she walked out of the shop and looked around for the Trevor but he was nowhere to be found. During the night he was never there and this made her wonder where he went at night.

    She looked at the dark sky and sighed. The sky was so plain with no stars. Only two stars were seen. It reminded her of her two friends and her parents. The other people at her work were less friendly and grumpy so she didn't consider talking to them. Daia, well she was kinda like a friend. She was nice and all but sometimes she would get all bossy. As she thought about her life, she walked down the road humming a song. Cold breeze blew past her making her hug herself tight. A big opened gate that stood a few feet away drew her attention. She looked around and realized it was a park.

   I must have come the other way, She thought.

   Asterin had taken another road to her house. She wasn't lost, she knew the way but just didn't use this road often as it was a long walk home.

  She contemplated whether to go back or go in. She gave up contemplating after standing there for nearly three minutes and walked inside. She walked up to the lonely swing that made a squeaky noise as it slowly moved in the breeze and sat on it. She moved slowly as she looked at the sky. Just like that she zoned out in thoughts of her family back in her homeland. She was too busy wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized someone had joined her. When she came back to reality, she was startled to see someone sitting beside her. Immediately her heart started to race in fear. She took a closer look at the person and realized it was the same guy she had mistaken for the girl.

   "I hope you don't mind me sitting here," He said.

   Luckily the moon was shining bright tonight so it wasn't difficult for her to read his lips.

   "I don't mind," She replied.

   He said nothing after that. She nodded and simply pretended he wasn't there. She texted her parents and told them she would be late. After what seemed like hours but it was actually just a couple of minutes that she had finally decided to talk to him. Just as she was about to open her mouth he stood up and walked away leaving her confused.

   Why did he leave suddenly? She wondered as she sat there alone on the swing.


   Asterin sighed and shook her head feeling very stressed. Past Two days the shop had been packed and standing all day became monotonous at one point. Asterin grabbed a tray of food and handed it to the guy in front of her. He looked at her with lustful eyes and smiled. She simply just rolled her eyes.

   "Can I get your number?" The guy asked.

   "Oh wait," Asterin said taking one of their visiting cards from the desk and handed it to him with a fake smile and said, "You can call anytime you want to place your order."

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