Chapter 16

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    When Asterin woke up, she realized that both she and Aiden were snuggled up and had fallen asleep together. His head was on top of hers and he had one arm around her. She inhaled his cologne and smiled. Chocolate Yummy. She tried moving slowly without having to wake him up but Aiden eyes immediately shot open feeling her move. She lifted her head and their eyes got locked. He felt his breath hitch and Asterin went speechless. Ivan watched all this through the mirror and smirked.

   "Are you okay?" His voice was rough and heavy.

   Asterin pulled away and tucked a piece of hair behind her ears as she stared at her lap. Her cheeks were on fire and she couldn't stop smiling. Aiden on the other hand, played with his fingers nervously.

   "Yes. I Uhm i just wanted to move a bit since my body was going numb," she said.

    "Aren't y'all hungry? I bought Pizza!!!" Ivan exclaimed and nudged Asterin with the book.

   Asterin looked at the box of pizza and then at Ivan as her eyes widened.

   "Oh my gosh, Ivan how long did I doze off?" Asterin asked.

   He showed three fingers to her and she gasped.

   "Oh no! you've been driving for three hours??!" Ivan stopped the car knowing he had to turn to answer her.

   "No. I drove for like 75 minutes then stopped at dominoes for like 30 minutes and drove again for 75 minutes," He said looking directly at her.

   "I'll drive now," Aiden said.

   Asterin turned her focus of Aiden realizing he was speaking.

    "Lemme eat and I'll drive. You take some rest till that."

    Ivan nodded and stretched his body trying to get rid of the tiredness. Aiden and Asterin quickly finished their meal and Ivan exchanged seats with Aiden.

    "Why don't you sleep for a while?" Asterin suggested.

    "Yes, I would really like that."

    He rested his head on the window but Asterin quickly pulled him by his arm saying, "you can sleep on my shoulder now."

    Ivan knew Aiden was watching and was probably jealous already so he chuckled and shook his head.

   "Nah. The window is my favourite."

   With that, he went off to sleep with his head resting on the window and Asterin plugged her ears with her earphones pretending as if she was listening to music while she read a book she had brought along.  

    For the next two hours, Aiden drove after that Asterin took over. She was scared but she couldn't let him drive more than that. She had to constantly look at the GPS because she couldn't hear it. She managed to drive for an hour until the car abruptly stopped. Ivan woke up immediately and looked around. 

    "The car is not starting!" She exclaimed as she kept trying to start the car.

   "What happened? Why is Asterin driving?" Ivan asked Aiden.

   "She was on one leg to drive. Now I don't know why the car stopped," Aiden replied.

    Ivan climbed up to the front seat and examined what's the problem. He tapped Asterin who was muttering under her breath while she kept pressing the accelerator.  She looked at him as he spoke, "There is no gas. Aiden and I will see what we can do."

   She nodded. Both the boys got down and looked around. To their luck the car had stopped a meter away from a gas station. They both exchanged smiles, rolled up their sleeves and began pushing the car. While Aiden and Ivan got the tank filled, Asterin wandered off to the shop in the gas station. She bought three packets of Nachos and a bag of gummies. Then they ran to the restroom and finished their business before getting into the car again. Ivan turned up the radio and started to pat his thumb on the steering wheel while he drove. Ivan started singing to "back street boy are back" out loud. Aiden chuckled and began to sing along. He kept his voice low but so that no one could hear. Asterin felt frustrated because she didn't know what song was playing. She couldn't hear the music blasting in the background. Everything was still and quiet. She huffed and continued reading her book. Aiden nudged her and asked, "Why are you not singing?"

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