pg 29

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A nice cool breeze blew across the field while I was running, I felt happy, because I was being chased by Zayne's wolf.

While running into the woods, I trip.

I immediately jump up. Lying on the ground was alpha Randi's wolf. I slowly bend down and stroke its fur.

"Shhh, it's OK."

I say trying to comfort it. I suddenly feel wetness on my hands; I turn them over and stare in fear at my bloody palms. I look back to the suffering wolf and notice its chest had a large gaping hole in it and its heart missing. The wolf eyes moves to something behind me.

Following its eyes I slowly turn around. Standing just a few feet away was Randi and in his hand was the heart, of his wolf's. He looked crazed, his skin was pale and his lips a dark pink.

"I'm sorry." He says. He drops the heart. He steps on the heart, crushing it.

I turn back to the wolf and back to Randi but he too was gone.

I jerked up out of my sleep. With a sweatdrenched face.    

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