Playing With The Alpha- Chapter 16 Pg 63

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Randi's POV

"Excuse me, while I take this." I says as I rise from my chair and head towards the guard.

He bows once more. I don't say anything to him and look once more over my shoulders at Zayne, he looked furious but I pay it no mind and look to Leah before exiting and following the guard to my office.

"This is the Alpha speaking."

A familiar female voice spoke through the phone. "I need to speak to you....privately."

"Camila?....I'll come, when?"



"You know where." Was the last thing she said.

Once outside I turn to the guard. "Tell no one of this. If asked simply say I've gone to run an important errand. Not even my brother should know."

I watch with satisfaction as he bows, showing his loyalty.

Twenty-nine minutes later I arrived at the rendezvous spot. I park my truck on the side of the road and look to see if anyone was around. Seeing nothing, I began to walk through the woods I follow the manmade trail, that lead to a small cave that Camila and I discovered when we were younger.

And there she was. Her back to me as she stood in front of the cave entrance; where we carved our names years ago. I watch as she traces her hand over the wall.

She spoke softly. "I remember when we did this. Don't you?" I say nothing but only watch her.

"Why did you call?"

"I want to know how things are going for you too."

"You didn't ask to meet me just to know if we're Okay."

She smiles. "You know me, huh?"

"Why did you call me here?" I ask once more.

"Is it wrong that I want to see you?"

"We made an agreement to stop seeing each other."

She laughs, "Oh come on. You wanted to see me just as much. Otherwise you wouldn't have shown up." She states as a matter-of-fact.

"I figured it was something," "More important than you wanting to see me."

"When do you plan on marking her?"

"Marking who?"

"Don't play dumb Randi, Leah?"

I sigh, "I hadn't set an exact date."

"How can you, she's already marked?" "What would people think of you? They'll laugh and shame you."

I spit "Oh, don't act so concerned, It's no different if I had marked you. Either way, no one wins this game."

"It would've been different for us, with me. At least it'll be more acceptable with your own kind than a human." She cries sounding resentful. "Do you love her?" She continues.

I cast my eye to the ground and remain silent.

"Why ask? You already know the answer." I finally reply.

She swallows and turns her head. "Then it's official. That it's over between us." She says. But it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Honestly Camila, we've discussed this already and I don't have time for this. I'm under much stress and I have to prepare to leave in two days. I can't deal with this right now."

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