pg 71

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Not wanting to lose her, I struggle to push pass the crowd. Why did I feel the urge to follow her. Who was she? I needed to find out.

"Zayne where are you going?" Maria calls out to me, but I pay it no mind.

The mysterious girl leaves the dance floor and heads towards the red rooms; which was a reserved area in the club.

I was right behind her now. I had so many emotions going through me at this moment. Joy, happiness, anticipationl. Maybe tonight mother moon might grant me my wish.

And with out thinking, I grab a hold of her hand. Instantly waves of electricity shoot through my arm.

This was it. I've found her.

Time stopped for me and everyone here faded into blurs. Years of wanting my mate and now I've finally found her. Years of actually believing that maybe mother moon had forgotten about me, but she hadn't, she's granting me my mate.

In slow motion the girl turns her head revealing herself to me and I found my tight grip around her loosen, as I drop her hand out of mine.

But now, I was confused. This couldn't be right. There absolutely no way this was my mate. I've surely mistaken.


Her once vibrant colored eyes were dull and her skin was paler than usual. It seemed as if she hadn't been to sleep in days. No amount of makeup she attempted to put on could cover how depressed she looked.

I shake my head in disbelief, stepping back away from her. "You've got to be fucking kidding me-".

"There you go!" Maria says coming to my side. She looks up between me and the girl. Her facial expression changes with that of realization.

"Oh, I remember you- you're Zayne's brother's ex girlfriend, right? Camila."

Camilla looks to Maria with anger but her face softens when she turns back to me.

An intense amount of rage began to form within me every second that past. I turn to Maria and toss her my keys so she could have a ride home, before shoving past her and everybody else that was in my way as I darted for the nearest exit.

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