pg 59

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As I followed behind Silver, Randi and a group of men enter through the front door.

"I told you I'll have her ready before you arrived." She crosses her arms with satisfaction. The alpha nods his head and looks at me as if he admired what he saw.

"Has she eaten yet?"

"Not yet" Silver reply.

"Well get her something to eat."

"No, its fine I'm not hungry." I blurt out. Randi turns "Tell the cook to prepare something for her. I'll be in my office."

Silver bows her head. Randi takes one last look at me before heading off.


When I enter the kitchen I was greeted by Cruz, he was one of the guards that brought me here.

I was dying to know the details to my arrival here, so I ask, "Hey Cruz, what happened to me?"

"Well pretty lady, you fainted. Shit, it scared us. You were shaking pretty badly and burning up.

You're Okay now right?"

He says walking to the counter, where I was sitting.

"Yeah, I'm fine; I guess it was just my nerves."

Cruz laughs and rests on the counter. "I guess if I was in your shoes I would be nervous too."

No hard feelings right?"

A voice spoke from the kitchen door. Both Cruz and I turn to see. "I sure hope you two aren't talking about me?"

"Zayne?" I shout.

"It smells good in here. What are you eating?" He grabs a plate and pulls out a stool.

Without hesitation I blurted out to Zayne, "When can I leave?"

"New flash Leah you can't, this is your new home now."

I look to Zayne puzzled. I didn't expect that type of response from him. I could tell by Cruz reaction he was a little confused.

"Zayne?....Are you Okay?"

"I'm fine." A slight tint of sarcasm was in his voice.

"I heard you fainted."

But before I could answer Silver enters the kitchen.

"Miss Leah, the alpha is waiting to see you."

Zayne looks up and say. "Have fun." then he continued eating. 

Playing With The AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now