pg 56

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Randi's POV

Returning hours later, I isolate myself in my office. I sigh out in frustration.

My phone begins to vibrate on the desk. The one person I didn't want to talk too.


"Where are you?"

"I'm home."

"I'm on my way up."

I tossed my phone back on the desk. I reach over to turn the desk lamp on.

The doors swings open and in walks Zayne.

"What'd you want?"

"I can't just come and spend quality time with my big bro?" he mocks.

"Bullshit." I grunt as I head to pour me a stiff drink.

"Don't mind if I do," Zayne takes the glass from my hand.

"You look like shit." He smirks to himself and drinks from my glass.

"Well, how about you go into shock for a whole day and travel to another realty and then be told you'll lose everything."

"Oh, don't blame me. This is your mess."

"Get to the point Zayne."

"Well," Zayne starts.

"I came to talk about -"

"Leah," I answer.

"Yes. So what are you going to do about her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you still going to mark her?

"What do you suppose? After all she is rightfully mine."

"Do you care for her?" I ask him with a serious expression.

"Not in the way you should. I just don't want her to get hurt Randi, she doesn't deserve this."

"And what about Camilla, how is she taking this?" he continues.

"I don't want to talk about her. Let's talk about you. You expect me to believe you don't feel anything for Leah, even after marking her. Who are you fooling?" I stare directly into his eyes.

"I don't. She isn't my mate."

"You're right she isn't but that didn't stop you from marking her. You know,  I've come to believe that you don't have a mate. I mean it's been forever and you still haven't found her yet. Maybe the legends are true, that some wolves are born mate less. How else would you explain you so eagerly marking mines?"

"Screw you" Zayne barks as he jumps out of the chair.

We stand face to face.

I smirk. "Oh come on everyone in the pack thinks the same thing."

I could see the hatred swelling up inside him.

"That doesn't mean shit. She could be anywhere, in any pack. Mother Moon just hasn't revealed her to me yet."

"You keep telling yourself that baby brother and Leah and I will be here waiting for your bullshit fantasy to come true."

I place a hand on his shoulder. He immediately jerks away and steps back.

"You're full of shit you know that. Ever since that night you've changed."

I laugh out loud.

"What happened to you?"

"Now the question is, what happened with this family, what happened to the loyalty of my pack? You all have betrayed me. Made me give up the only person I've cared for all my life, because of this so called gift mother moon has given me. My own fucking wolf has betrayed me!"

"Camila isn't yours to claim! We have tried to help you. You're so screwed in the head. As you said yourself Leah is yours rightfully not Camila. If you give fate a chance you'll see how much happier you'll be with her, how much pleasure she can bring you."

"Right you've already tasted the forbidden fruit."

Silence covers the room for a moment.

"You're times up, I'm done." Now get the fuck out of my office."

Zayne heads for the door but stops and turns to the childhood photo of him and me sitting above the fireplace. He looks at me and shakes his head, before walking out the room.

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