"On what?" I was trying not freak out this was who he was, A Royal Vampire what did I expect? A f*cking vegetarian?

"On how I'm feeling" He said with a narrowed look.

"And how were you feeling eighteen days ago?" I asked but not knowing if I wanted to know the answer.

"She was about your height, maybe even the same age. The bite wasn't messy but her blood was a tiny bit sour ..." Amusement twinkled in his eyes as he spoke.

"Did you kill her?" I asked folding my arms.

His eyes darkened at my comment "No" he said firmly "I don't do that Lailah, it's not for the thrill of the kill it's simply for blood without it I wouldn't survive"

"So why don't you just drink the blood the school donate?" I questioned.

He made a face at the mention of it "still blood? I can't stomach the stuff"

Still blood?

"Don't worry I'm hardly harming anyone and the humans don't remember a thing" He grinned at my questioning look "Perks of having Royal blood, you have the ability to wipe humans memory"

I gasped at this holding my hand to my head thinking this was where my memory was most probably stored "You haven't done it to me have you?"

"Of course not" He said looking slightly offended "besides it wouldn't work on you"

"Why not?"

"Because of this" He said pressing his thumb to the tattoo on my neck, brushing my hair aside "When I marked you it gave you this instead of turning you into a vampire. But that doesn't mean you haven't got vampire blood running through you as my bite was still poisonous but wasn't enough to transition you "

I have vampire blood in me? How the f*ck did this happen?


Nathan had gone to have a shower and had left me all alone to my annoying thoughts.

I had Vampire blood in me?

The very thing I had hated has become part of my bloodstream?

Nathan is having a shower naked right now?

I nearly smacked myself, dammit this was serious.

I rolled over of the couch and sat on the rug on the floor next to the blazing fire. I was probably going to burn my eyebrows off being this close but I didn't care, it was hypnotizing.

Something started getting hot in the middle of my chest before it heated so much it started to burn. I reached under my jumper scolding down at the ring that hung on the necklace.

My eyes softened down at the ring in my palm for a second. Oh grandad if you only knew.

What a f*ck up I've become ...

That's when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around the ring dropping to my chest as I looked up finding Nathan. He was newly dressed and his hair was damp.

I smiled at him but he didn't return it his eyes where trained down on the ring hanging around my neck.


"I've never seen you wear that before" he then joined me on the floor picking up the ring from my neck, the sudden closeness was making my heart race.

"I normally hide it" I frowned watching as he read the engraving his own look of displeasure crossing his face.

"Who gave this to you?" He asked letting it drop back against my chest.

"My granddad, why?" I said wrapping my hand around the ring protectively.

Nathan looked like he wanted to question this but noticed the way I was holding the necklace "he must mean a lot to you"

"Yes, he died when I was eight" I swallowed.

"He must of really despised Vampires" he muttered.

"What makes you say that?" I asked even though he couldn't be more right.

"To try and mark his very own granddaughter as Purus" he said with a slight laugh " purity is the opposite of vampires who are obviously the most corrupt and tainted beings walking this earth. He was stating his claim on how very much human you are"

"Yeah well not anymore" I said bitterly "Some dickhead ruined that didn't they?"

He smirked "I knew you were annoyed about that"

I just sighed, having vampire blood sucks ...

"Don't worry Lailah your grandad's wrong" he said his eyes searching mine "you'll always be pure no matter how much vampire blood is running through your system"

I made a face, what was he implying?

He just grinned innocently at me, well it would of been innocent if his fangs hadn't of appeared.

"Why do keep doing that?" I complained hitting him on the arm.

"Sorry" he apologized biting down to suppress them "There doing it on there own it's not me"

"Well it's scary me" I admitted "Can't you just go find some blood already"

He looked amused by me"We're in the middle of the woods, what am I going to find to feed on?"

"Can't you just hunt down an animal or something?" I offered pinking at the cheeks as he stared at me.

"An animal?" He repeated looking insulted.


"You want me to catch an animal?" he repeated looking at me as if I were crazy.

"Forget it" I sighed. Fictional vampires are just better I guess.

"Why don't you just drive the car to nearest town and find someone there" I suggested.

"I'm not leaving you here alone" He said shaking his head.

"Hell no I'm no I'm coming" I grinned excitedly "it'll be like a road trip!"

"You want to come?" He seemed surprised.

"Of course" I said already standing "let's get rid of those horrible fangs"



Haha I'm just kidding I love you whining weirdos, here is the long awaited chapter. I dunno if anything interesting happened in it ... But next chapter is the Road Trip?!!


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