Tattooed Truth

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Tattooed Truth

"You better not run of" Nathan said leaning casually against the doorframe of his room. It was late and I had finally convinced him to let me go back to my dorm. I needed my space and the funny thing was I think he understood that.

This whole mate thing made no sense and I feel like the more I ignore and deny it, it's going to build up more and more and soon I'm just going to explode.

"Because you can run but you can't hide" Nathan sang

"Hm" I said making a face, turning around about to head for my dorm but I stopped myself in my tracks and turned back round "One last thing ..."

Nathan raised his eyebrows in question

"You bit me" I stated

"Correct" Nathan smiled running his tongue over his lower lip

"Doesn't that usually mean ..." I hesitated expecting him to get the gist- he didn't "Am I vampire now?" I sighed

"Why, do you want to be?" Nathan smirked

I let out a frustrated growl and he laughed

"Ugh, can you just tell me please" I scowled resisting the childish urge to stamp my foot

"Look, yes if I was a ordinary Vampire and you weren't my mate then of course you'd be growing some healthy milk fangs right about now" He said passively "but what vampire am I?"

"A really horrible one" I grumbled

His cocky smile was only there to antagonize me and it was shamefully working

"No Lailah, you might of forgotten but I'm royalty which there for means are ways of doing things are a little ..." He seemed to searching for the right word and as soon as his eyes locked with mine he found it "different"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

Nathan just smiled stepping forward and I instantly shy'd away "See you later little one" his lips connected with my forehead and my eyes closed in response making me forget whatever we were talking about before this.


The look on Colette's face as I walked through the dorm room door was picture perfect.

"Lailah!" She screamed jumping out of her desk chair before tackling me into a hug "I was so worried!"

No matter how squeezing the hug was I returned it with as much force as Colette because I to was so worried about her too.

Pulling away Colette turned angry, like I knew she would ...

"Don't ever do that to me again!" She said slapping my arm "it's not fun Lailah, waiting up all hours waiting for your return, all night and day you've been gone! Where have you been?!"

"Ouch!" I complained shoving her of me with a warning look "stop it Colette"

"Well where have you been?!" Colette exclaimed "the boys have all skipped class to go on a hunt for you! We all thought Mr Waters had killed you for god sake!"

"Right" I almost laughed which did nothing to help Colette's anger and decided now would be the best time to put my lie into place "look Colette after I had the little talk with Sir, I decided to go back into town and crash in at that little hotel because you know ..." The look Colette was giving me was dangerous, her eyes were drawn to the Nathan's scarf that was wrapped around my neck covering the stupid mark he had given me. Plus, Nathan has a scarf?

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