The Perfect Dress

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Chapter Eight

The Perfect Dress

"What do you think?" Colette asked pulling the changing room curtain out the way so I can see. The dress the shop owner picked out for her was a perfect fit, round her slender yet curved body shape.

I smiled "Its really pretty Colette, you look stunning in that dress" and it's true she really did. The dress was a creamy gold colour, with a glittery chest. It was no straps but it stayed really cute and Colette style with a gold flower that held in her waist before spraying out to the floor.

"Yeah?" Colette said smoothing her hands down the fabric "I really do like this one but I want to keep looking though just to be sure . . ."

"Ok" I nodded

We looked over more dresses with the shop owner,

"What about this?" Willow the shop owner asked Colette pulling out a black jewelled ball gown from the racks and racks of dresses in this store

"Hmm I don't know, what do you think Lailah?" Colette asked me pointing to the dress

"Hm it's nice, but it's a little too . . ." I trailed of searching for the right word

"Bad girl?" Willow offered, I nodded and Willow gives an understanding smile as she puts it back on the rail

"Hey I can do bad girl!" Colette said folding her arms at me

"Pfft that's like saying I can do good girl" I said laughing slightly

"You do, do good girl!" She said

"No, I can do nice girl . . . to people I like" I smirked at my correction "Colette the day you see me do good girl is the day I want you to kill me"

Colette rolled her eyes "I'll try that on actually Willow"

Colette called me into the changing room to look at her in the 'bad girl' dress. I peeped round the wall just as my phone pings telling me I have a text.

I quickly glance at her "No" before walking out, I hear her sigh in annoyance before checking my text

From Mum-

How are you? x

I paused looking up, before looking down again. We had just talked this morning what does she want this time?

To Mum-

Fine why?

It only took two seconds for a response,

From Mum-

I heard your schools having a ball, are you going?

I frowned at the question

To Mum-

Probably not why?

I knew for a fact I wasn't going but I wanted to know her deal

From Mum-

You should go, don't miss out on your first ever ball, i'll be thinking of you xx

I then new instantly. She was upset because she's missing my first ever school ball, She's the sort of mum that thinks, first proms and first school dances are the most important thing for a mother and daughter to share together, and I just think there useless and pointless.

"Who was that?" Colette asked emerging from the changing rooms as I slip my phone back into my pocket

"Just my mum" I said

"What did she want?" Colette asked me

"She wants me to go to the ball" I said reluctantly and regret it as soon as Colette's face lights up. I hate myself for the next half an hour we spend in this shop as Colette will not give up on trying to get me to at least try on a dress, she thinks now just because my mum told me to go to the ball I'm going to give in? I don't think so

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