The Assembly Includes An Anouncement

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Chapter Five

The Assembly Includes An Announcement

". . . .I swear! True story" Colette exclaimed pulling me out of my bored day dreaming state. We're all sitting in our form room waiting for Miss Delt to appear and take us to this whole Assembly at Six

"I don't believe it" Anthony said shaking his head as he leans back on his chair to our desk, then he turns to me "Do you believe that Lailah?"

I gave him a bored expression "I wasn't listening"

"Seriously?" Colette said making an annoyed face

"Was I supposed too?" I asked

"Um yeah kind of" Colette frowned

I shrugged "Sorry . . ."

Miss Delt then walked in holding a folder and papers

"Good Evening class" She said making her presence clear before sitting down at her desk to take the register

After that Miss Delt checked our appearance, even though everyone's turned into home clothes and out of the uniform we still had to be looking smart. I was wearing a baggy black shirt that said "You don't have to like me" in a curly White font, tucked into some high wasted White shorts. It was too cold outside to go bare so I had black netting tights (although they don't really hold in any warmth). And on my feet I wore bright red Converses just because I'm in a vampire school and um... Vampires like blood and the colour of blood is red.... So that means.... Ok there is no logic to that what I'm saying. I just like converses ok!

Anyway she approved of everyone's look and then led us out of the form room.

Colette and Anthony chatted as I spent my time looking around. I don't know what it is about this school but in confuses me but draws me in at the same time; I'd just really like to know the history behind it.

We found William and Davie, standing with their form by some huge tall doors.

Miss Delt lined us up next to them as we all are waiting to enter the Assembly.

We all started chatting and talking about the few hours we hadn't spent in each other's company.

"Class in we go" William and Davies teacher called them in, soon followed by us behind them

The Assembly is in the grand hall at the back of the school building, that I had never been in before, but it was huge and I have to admit the gold and red decor is really pretty.

We sit in our form groups, so we get separated from William and Davie, and I sat In the middle of Anthony and Colette. Our year was in first so we all watched as the year above us came in, they looked kind of at ease here and didn't have the same petrified as most of us.

We watched on stage as a familiar face trotted on stage and running to the mic

"Please can all students turn of any mobile device they may have on them" Mr Lough announced holding the mic firmly in both hands instead of using the stand because I think he was maybe a little too short for it "and we all expect full respect to your head mistress Miss Piersay"

Mr Lough handed the mic to Miss Piersay who had had moved onto the small stage with her usual grace

"Good evening to all students, and welcome back to another year at De Lutha Academy and a first year for you younger ones, at our school together" She smiled, I narrowed my eyes at her saying 'younger ones' I am not young! I'm even seventeen in two weeks so....

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