A Visit To The Head Office

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Chapter Thirty-Five

A Visit To The Head Office

**Nathaniel's POV**

Pacing my bedroom for the past hour was messing with my head. I was still seething over my sister. I had been up all night thinking, thinking and thinking.

I was angry. Unbelievably so.

Abigail's been spying on me and my mate. She's had her guesses all along but it's only when Lailah was disguising her neck with her scarf was she sure something was up.

I was so angry with her. She had gone behind my back and spied, this was low even for Abigail's standards.

She's figured it out so fast as well it makes me nervous. Are other people starting to notice? I thought I was being careful, I thought I was keeping Lailah safe.

Instead it seems like I'm putting her in danger instead. If my mother was to ever find out I had a human mate there is no doubt in my mind she'd hunt Lailah down herself.

I need to change her, I know I do. If she's a Vampire things would be so much safer. But Lailah's so stubborn, she'd never agree. I know she likes me, even if she's never going to admit to it I know she feels our connection. But I'm not sure about love.

Does she love me?

It's impossible to tell because she's impossible to read.

Sometimes I'm pretty sure she hates me. Sometimes I'm sure she rather fight me than kiss me.
But sometimes I see it in her eyes she doesn't mind the way I talk to her. Doesn't mind the way I touch her or look at her. That maybe she likes me.

Sometimes I'm pretty positive that she might actually want me.

But as I said its impossible to tell.

That's why I need a weekend with her. Alone. Just us.

I need to explain to her about us. I'm still sure she still doesn't full understand what the meaning of a Vampire is.

There are things I need to tell her. My history, my terrible, terrible history.

I just want to make sure she understands.

I need her to her to understand.

**Lailah's POV**

"Do you think it's wrong to put ketchup on sweet waffles?" Anthony pondered with a ketchup bottle in one hand and a waffle in the other.

It was late evening and we were all sitting in the almost empty cafeteria having a late dinner. I sat next to Anthony shaking my head as I checked through my texts ignoring the ones from Mum of course.

"Do you want to throw up?" Davie said rolling his eyes at him as if he were the most stupidest person he had ever came across in his whole life. And in this situation, he's probably correct.

Anthony took Davies word as encouragement and started layering the Ketchup on top in a huge swirl. Giggling to himself like a teenage girl.

"Oh Honey, please don't" Jasper gagged turning away.

"That's so gross man, don't" William shook his head ducking behind Colette who was staring at Anthony with disgust.

"You do that and I swear I'll throw up on you" I said as he bought the waffle to his mouth.

"I'll be the only one throwing up Lala" Anthony muttered laughing as Jasper kept gagging loudly away from the table.

"I don't know why I hang out with you guys" Jasper stated loudly glaring hardly at Anthony.

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