Blast to the Past

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Brought to you by- Back to the Future. Because why not?

The ninja are turned into kids, a ninja eating monster is after them, and Lloyd and Lila get Bonding time. The Grundal crashes the party at Doomsday Comix, causing Lila to get broken ribs and the ninja to almost be defeated. Nya and Sensei show up with tomorrow's tea at the last minute, and by using it Lloyd grows older along with the other ninja. Lila now has crush problems.


After the ninja and Lloyd, Lila swirls in with her black spinjitzu with her hood on and jumps in the air, flapping her wings and hovering. She clenches and opens her hands, her arms swirled with black and purple magic, in her left hand are droplets of water, small stones and lighting. In her left are shards of ice, balls of fire, and swirls of wind. She grins and tosses off her hood, her purple eyes glowing. After Nya and Wu are finished and everyone is together Lila is sitting with Wu in the front, Lloyd behind her resting one arm on her head. She glares at Lloyd while he smirks then she sticks her tongue out at the camera and winks, going back to smiling along with Lloyd before it goes into the episode.

"Your new body is a fighting instrument. Listen to it." I hear Wu say from in the training room. I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face and leaning outside the door. I wasn't allowed to do ANYTHING that even breathed physical exertions of any type. It's amazing I'm even allowed to walk. It's extremely annoying especially since I'm already healed. Let's not even mention Lloyd. At all. Ever.

He's.... Lloyd. But older, and hotter, and damn. I mean- if you girls would here you would DEFINETELY understand my trouble. And he's been super protective. For no reason. Ugh. Multiple bangs from inside the room make me wince and open the door timidly.

"Yeesh. What happened in here? Do I need to beat the green bean up again or did you lose to a plant?" I smile teasingly at all of them and they groan, rolling their eyes as Lloyd chuckles and rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Since he's groan he's learning faster Sensei." Nya observes and I walk over to the ninja, helping them up one by one.

"But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon? Only time will tell." Wu replies and I snort, rolling my eyes.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's been a week. Unless Garmadon somehow miraculously-" I'm cut off my Lloyd catching a blade Kai thrusts in his hands. I widen my eyes as an energy ball grows around the edge of the blade. Suddenly Kai pulls the blade away. I act on instinct, either from my training or from the partnership I don't know, diving under Lloyd and catching him as he falls.

"Ha, ha. You're getting pretty good. But that move you fell for was basic 101." Kai instructs Lloyd and helps him up.

"Yeah, if I had focused more when I was little, I would've seen that coming. And the floor was softer than usual am I getting used to it or something?" He jokes and I huff, ignoring the sound of his new voice and scowling.

"Uh no. Unless I'm part of the floor now. Which would be dull, and kinda creepy." He looks down in shock at me and in no time has me up and in a bridal style.

"You should not be here!" He tells me and I scowl, pushing his shoulder and twisting out of his grip, landing perfectly on the balls of my feet.

"I'm fine Lloyd. It takes me like, two days to heal from broken ribs. Chill." I bite back, annoyance clear in my tone and turn as Wu sighs, shaking his head. I miss the upset look on his face and the sympathizing ones the other ninja give him.

"We cannot change the past, but we can improve for the future. Again, and this time do not hold back. Lila- do not intervene." I scowl at Wu and stalk out of the room, going up to the deck to meditate.

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