Snake Got your Tongue?

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   I sit in front of the smoke again, and try to connect with Wu.

"Wu. Can you hear me?" I speak and wait for his response.

"Yes, Lila, I can hear you." Came his tired and weak voice from the other end. I sighed in relief.

"Oh thank goodness. Your life force had faded from my view for a few hours. What happened?" I questioned.

"Well, I found my brother." He says and I gasp, my eyes flying open when another voice joins.

"Hello.... Lila." A blast of power knocks me back, putting out the spirit smoke and slamming me into the wall.

"AGH!" I yell in surprise and pain and stumble to my feet. The connection was broken, it would be some time before I can create it again. I heard knocking on the door and the ninja walk in.

"Hey, you ok? We heard a yell and...." Kai bent down and pulled me up. I brushed myself off and nodded.

"I'm alright. Don't we have snakes to fight?"

"Um we?" Jay asks confused. I nod and walk out.

"You'll need all the help you can. And like I said, and how you saw, I'm older than you know. The snakes will have figured out where the first fangblade is by now. To the bridge. Also, good luck with the date Jay." I say and run out the door.

MEANWHILE (Wu And Garmadon)

"So what kind of trouble has Lloyd gotten himself into?" Garmadon inquires as the wall along the dark path.

"I'm afraid to say the worst kind. He's reopened the Serpentine tombs, and now that they've united Pythor is trying to find the four silver FangBlades to unleash the Great Devourer." Wu replies.

"The very snake that turned me evil?" Garmadon asked again. With Wu replying bitterly;


"Why would Lloyd open the tombs?" Garmadon inquired. Stunned that his son would do such a thing.

"To.. to be like you." Wu explains and Garmadon looks pained.

"I never wanted him to. Thank you for watching out for him." Wu frown and shakes his head.

"It is not just me you need to thank. Thank Lila."

"Lila? Lila... Black? So she has returned, I have missed her dearly." Garmadon laments but smiles all the same.

"As have I. But I am afraid she is a little different than when we last saw her, less powerful and more... cautious." Wu sighs sadly, thinking of his old friend.

"Yes, but that is understandable after father died, and we separated she was never the same." Garmadon and Wu continued walking down the path, talking about Lila and Lloyd.


We walk through the amusement park, Jay had gone off to his date with Nya and left us to find the snakes.

   "So any ideas?" I look around, trying to spot something out of the ordinary. Screaming from a ride was a little strange.

   "Hey, that ride was never scary." Cole says and I grab his arm.

   "Then let's check it out." We run into the ride only to find Pythor digging for the Fangblade. The ninja draw their weapons and I get into a fighting stance.

   "Not. So. Fast." Kai steps forward. I groan and facepalm.

   "Really? Not so fast? What are we, in kindergarten and they stole our toy? Come on Kai!" I complained and shook my head as Cole bothered him too.

Darkness's DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora