Newby to the Rescue? .... Not Exactly

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      The ninja were out interrogating some snakes while Nya, Wu, Garmadon, Lloyd And I stayed back. I was currently next to Lloyd, finishing everything that's happened since he was captured by Pythor.

   "Wow! That's so awesome!! Can I see? Can I see?" He jumped around me wildly.

   "Ok ok mr. here they are." I dropped my cloak and my wings expanded from my back. Lloyd circled around me, touching the feathers and awing over how big they were.

   "If you two are done the ninja are back." Nya pokes her head in with a smirk and Lloyd jumped sprinting around me and gripping my wrist.

   "LETS GO!" He shouts and I stumble to keep up, barely managing to grip my cloak on the way out. We skid into the bridge, both of us breathing heavily.

   "Jeez Lloyd. Someone's eager." I say and smirk. He smacks me on the arm and I laugh as we walk in.

   "Hey blossom." Cole grins at me and ruffles my hair. I scowl playfully and flip up my hood, not enough so they can't see my face but enough that it covers my hair.

   "Told you not to call me that." I hiss and he just laughs turning back to Nya.

  "Hey, if all we have to do is get one FangBlade to stop him. What if we take back the other three? Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere while he goes for the fourth." Lloyd inputs and I ruffle his hair.

   "Smarty pants." I wink at him and he grins.

   "It can't be that easy." Jay states and Zane adds;

   "Easy? My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals." I frown and walk over to the screen, gazing across it.

   "Even if you could steal the other three you don't even know where they are." Garmadon replies and I turn around. Opening my mouth I am interrupted by Wu;

   "He's right. For the past few weeks there have been almost no Serpentine sightings. How are they moving around? It's like their ghosts." I snap my fingers.

   "Hello? They're snakes. And what do snakes do best?" I finally spoke and Nya brightens.

   "Of course. Snakes burrow!! Great job Lila. Bridge give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago, twenty feet below surface." The computer beeps and a visual representation comes down to us.

   "All the tombs have been interconnected." Kai starts in amazement.

   "To make on massive underground fortress!" Cole finishes. I smirk proudly.

   "And all this time, right under our noses." Jay rolls his eyes.

   "Or rather, feet." Zane smiles.

"There, the FangBlades must be held there. It's the most protected area." Kai observes and points to the center.

   "Then what are we waiting for? Nya, set the course." Wu orders and Nya turns around.

   "Already on it, we'll be there by sun-up." She says. I laugh slightly and they all look at me.

   "Oh nothing, it's just. Remember the days when the previous elemental masters gathered like this? All around a war table and we discussed how to defeat the threat? The days I could wear my robes and not be frowned upon? I miss those days." I smile wistfully at Garmadon and Wu. They smile back and nod.

   "How long ago was that?" Cole asks and I look up.

   "The time when your parents were the same age, if not older, than you. I miss them, I wish they could raise you. But somehow, someway, something happened to each and every one of them." I say sadly and stand slowly.

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