Snake City

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I walked in with Wu, the mailman had just delivered the ninja's new uniforms, poor guy had to FLY up here. Lloyd was talking about how to defeated a serpentine.

"First I'll step on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned I'll disarm him!" I smile and slide down next to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He scooted into the hug happily and I smiled again.

"Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now your under his control." I wince as Cole speaks, remembering his experience.

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze." Zane contributes.

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff." Kai mutters. I nod.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want a repeat of high ass Kai now would we?" They all laugh.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad!" I give him a deadpan look.

"Yeah Kai, you were that bad." Lloyd said. He frowns and turns away.

"Anyway, uncle what's the best way to stun a serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asks Wu.

"Sadly it was the Sacred Flute you four carelessly lost." Wu replies tiredly.

"Hey, no no no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it." Jay corrects him. I roll my eyes.

"Same difference. The facts are, you don't have it anymore, he does, were in a bit of trouble." I say simply and Wu nods. Jay pouts at me and I shrug as Wu continues;

"We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger." I smile bitterly.

"Takes a whole new meaning to, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I grab a cup and Wu fills it with tea.

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my full potential and when I become the green or purple and black ninja we're not gonna need any magic flute." I choke on my tea at the words that came out of Cole's mouth. I continued coughing until Kai hits me on the back.

"Purple and black ninja? Green ninja?!?" I spluttered helplessly as they began to argue. I was panicking, this isn't good. This isn't good at all.

Lloyd stands up, bored with their argument.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's in the box?" He asks Wu and I lean over, also interested.

"Your new uniforms." Wu opens the box and I barely see what's inside before it was snatched up by the ninja.

"Geez." I mutter and back off while they gush over them.

"They're like gossip girls in the mall." I say to the others and Wu chuckles. Nya smiles in amusement while Lloyd looks confused.

"Oh, nothing for me?" Lloyd asks, disappointed. Wu suddenly looks guilty and I wince in sympathy.

"Oh,um, you get... the box?" Wu pathetically tries to salvage something and I shake my head. Lloyd reaches for it anyway and I smile. So grateful even when he has nothing. We were jolted by the alarm blaring from the speakers.

I sprint to the bridge and tap a couple things.

"Sorry to breakup your little fashion fest. But some of our scaly friends have decided to pop in at Mega Monster Amusement Park." I speak and turn around.

"Amusement Park!? Can I go with you please??" Lloyd begs and I smile. Before they can answer I nod.

"Yeah, you can come with me. We'll go down after the ninja with Wu and Nya and ride some rides." Wu didn't seem to have a problem and Lloyd squealed in excitement as the ninja left.

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