Talent Shows? Not My Thing

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We sit in the bridge, discussing the FangBlades. Or we were, now it's about how Kai is jealous the others have unlocked their true potentials.

"I've got it!" Cole shouts and runs out of the room.

"You've unlocked it!? Oh, why am I the only one." Kai whines and I smack him on the head.

"No hot head. He's saying he knows something about the FangBlades. We would all know if he had his true potential or not." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Oh is that it, heh. Good." Kai stammers sheepishly and I frown at him as Cole runs back in with the picture.

"Back where I grew up, there's this big competition where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup. My dad's won it multiple times." Cole explains as we look in the album.

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?" Zane asks and moves so I can see the picture. I let out a strangled gasp and stumble back. That cup... that trophy... that's the one. That exact one. The Blade Cup? How could I have been so ignorant.

Cole turns that page on the album that shows his dad holding the cup. I stand there, petrified by the trophy still.

"Well supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts. His name was something like uh, Dutch...." Cole tried to find his name I spoke aloud again.

"His name was Clutch Powers. And he didn't just collect priceless artifacts he did so many other things too. Kind of like a modern day treasure hunter/bounty hunter, I'll admit the guy was also pretty good looking." They turned to me, detecting my bitter tone.

"You knew him?" Kai frowns.

"I worked with him for a period of time. My cover name at the time being Tiffany Titan." I explained. Jay's mouth dropped.

"You're THE Tiffany Titan!? All this time and I've been living under the same roof as one of the most famous explorers/ survivors in HISTORY! You've been my hero ever since we had to learn about you in school, I can't believe you built a vehicle to get out of the jungle with nothing but an axe, a box of nails, and a HAMMER!!" He squealed and gripped me in a hug.

"None of us are worthy!! Get down guys!" He shouted and started bowing. I smacked my face and pulled him up.

"I put that behind me long ago, after what happened to Clutch I never came back. I faked my death to hopefully live peacefully." I spat, still regretting that I ever let him go alone. He was wrong, he DID need someone, but he was so damn stupid that he left and never came back. So I left and never came back, faking my death.

"Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner. And I don't know who has it now, I haven't talked to my father in years." Cole gets us back on track.

"Well then we'll call him up." Kai suggests.

"No you can't! He thinks I'm in Ninjago City training at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps but when I couldn't sing or dance I ran away. When he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending to him." Cole was now steering the ship as Zane asked confused;

"He doesn't know you're a ninja?" Cole turns around and frowns.

"What, you gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?" He said. Kai steps forward.

"No, but if we're gonna have any chance at getting that FangBlade before they do, we'd better get our own act in tune." I back up slowly while shaking my head.

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