Blake: "I'm what is called a Faunus. Humans with animal Trades. However we are in minority to normal humans."

Y/n was stepping forward, towering over blake. He then did something, that earned a Yelp from Blake, gasps from the teams, and a giggle from his Queen.

He pet her ears.

Y/n: "Truly fascinating, very soft. Do you feel everything with those?"

Blake, wearing a flustered face while her teammates Ruby and Yang giggled, answered.

Blake: "Y-Y-yes, e-everything, p-please stop"

After a few more seconds, he stopped.

Y/n: "Apologies if that made you uncomfortable."

Blake: "I-its was quite the opposite.."
She whispered to herself while using furiously

Yang: "He's bold blake~"

Blake: "Shut up yang!"

Y/n: "I know this is a lot to ask, but would you 8 be kind enough to show the two of us around?"

Myrrah: "You don't have to be THIS polite dear, it's not like we are asking them to fight a war."
(unlike a grey haired certain someone)

Pyrrha: "We would be happy to do so."

Witha warm smile, the students, along with the locust leaders explored the school, while getting a Rundown of how things work on Remnant. From the Creatures of Grimm, over to semblances and Aura, to Dust and faunus. This knowledge, was of course going to be shared with the other Locust via the Kantus.

It soon was Lunch for the students, and The teams decider to invite the the Royals to it. It was a change from the Usual Rock worm meat they'd eat.

Myrrha: "It's definitely a change of taste from the usual food."

Y/n: "I will definitely give the leftovers to Redrix."

Myrrha only told her eyes to her lovers love for his Reaver. After all, he raised him since he was a small little reaver, outcast from his pack.
(Yes, Reavers are Pack animals, apart from the Hydra, who...eats reavers...)

The two of them however spared any information of the War on Sera for these students, since they done have to know the massacre that was the three way war. There talk was interupted by a certain bunny screaming.

There eyes wandered to a cardin Winchester, pulling a bunny faunus ears. Looks of disgust were send his was, not like he cared.

Myrrha: "why is scum like this allowed in a school to defend then ones that can't defend themselves?"

Blake: "Sadly we don't know why he isn't expelled yet."
(Like seriously, get him outta there!)

However Y/n wasn't having any of it. Being that this looks like a regular thing for the poor girls, he decided to step in. The two teams were about to stop him, but only Myrrah's voice worked.

Myrrah: "Y/n dear, please just don't kill him."

Y/n: "He will learn a lesson. But I won't kill him."

Myrrah: "As protective as always my king..."

Weiss: "Is he always going straight to violence?"

Myrrah: "Weiss my dear, you forget that we come from a planet where war is a regular thing for hundreds of years. Even when we were small however, he would try and protect me from the doctors and scientists. But that's for another time."

Y/n walked up behind the relatively tall bully, only for his supposed team to slowly move towards the other end of the table.

Cardin: "What's the matter with you guys, am I the only one who's having fun?"

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant