Chapter 25

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He looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"Hello, Adi." Aditya hears a familiar voice quite like his own but with deeper vibration. Aditya expected that Sahir will give a guilty start but it begins with unexpected shock. Sahir was talking. He got his voice back? Or is he hallucinating?

"Sahir?" Aditya whispered in shock, " You can speak?" He was happy and sad at the same time. Sahir had left adi in his weakest moment and aditya. And adi had no plan to forgive him.

Sahir was long gone from Adi's life and his memories. He didn't even expect him to return like this! With his voice back. Moreover, his appearance was far better than Adi. Sahir has worn a well fitted office suit with a tie attached to his neck. Aditya couldn't help but feel certain negative emotion forming in him as he eyed his own twin brother. It has always been the same, Whatever Adi did, Sahir has excelled in it. And today was the day when the harsh truth was standing before him making him doubt his own self. As if Sahir could read his mind, he passed a wry smile.

However, the smile is wasted on Adi, who felt so small under his presence. He felt suddenly conscious about his torn shirt and worn out shoes.

"Why am I not surprised to see you like this?" Sahir made a caustic remark. Aditya cringed and made his hand in fist as he refrained himself from giving back to him verbally

"Trying to look for a job?" Sahir kept his hand on Aditya's shoulder, "Well, I already have one." He smirks at aditya and pats his shoulder. Aditya hated the way sahir was talking to him. He was intentionally trying to put aditya down by talking about his achievement. He was hurt with his behavior.

"Why are you back?" The shock which was slowly sinking into happiness was now completely washed with hatred and hurt.

"To show you the vast difference between us." He picks his collar with two fingers and drops it immediately and dusted his hand off.

"What do you mean?" Adi retorted.

"Well I mean, my brother still haven't learned any lesson from his life. You still believe the world is so good to give you what you want?" he laughs icily, "well than BREAKING NEWS, Life only respects people who dare to challenge her and gets everything by any means."

Aditya all of sudden felt uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading to, " I am not interested on your philosophy about life." He takes an uneven fast step towards the hostel gate.

"I have an answer to end all your problems. " he smiled cunningly, " If you only make a deal with me."

Aditya stopped in his track and turned around to face him. Sahir grinned and his beard shine under the moon and his eyes holds a sinister smile.

"So you made a deal with him?" Aditya looked at zoya, who was staring back at him with curiosity.

"No, Not right away." Aditya cleared his throat and saw the fine lines that have appeared on her forehead.

"Does it mean you had considered his offer later? What was his offer? What was the deal?"

Aditya sat there silently; he didn't even blink after she asked. It was going to be hard to make her understand.

"The deal was to rape me?" she instantly accused widening her eyes.

Aditya stood up and walked near the closest wall. His back was facing her to hide the hurt her thorns like word were causing.

"And what is the deal?" he asked emphasizing on deal

Sahir chuckled at his brother and covered the distance between them within three piles. He now stood in front of him, proudly making an eye contact.

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