chapter 16

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She slides the phone in her bag and took the knife out as she climbed the stair and looked around. Her hands were surprisingly still as she rang the bell and waited for it to get open. Her mind drifted to her plan and she clutched the knife between her fingers tightly ready to attack. It took another bell before the door got open and a maid in uniform appeared before her. The maid greeted Zoya, "Yes Madam?"

"Rajveer..?" Zoya eyes inside the house and then back at maid

The maid nods in yes and allows zoya to enter inside, "Sir is in his study room. Please sit here while I inform him." Maid points at the sofa, "Madam, What should I say to sir? Who is here to meet him?"

Zoya bites her lips nervously. What she is supposed to tell her? Her eyes roam around for an escape. She was so busy in thinking for an excuse that she didn't see Rajveer standing by the stairs studying her.

"It Okay Salma Khala. She is my special guest. Let her in till then khala why don't you arrange  some soft drinks for us." He said as he walked down. Zoya turned towards him and froze. Her eyes lit with rage. She wants to strangle him to death. Her eyes followed his; his eyes were lowered in respect.

"Noor didn't tell me that you will be coming home" Rajveer motioned her to sit and sat opposite to her.

Zoya saw him and saw around. Why was he acting? There is no one around to fake.

"Quit acting." Zoya voice was low but it had venom.

"sorry?" he said while trying to understand what did he hear.

"I said stop Acting." Her voice became comparatively loud than before.

"I do not understand Zoya. What are you trying to say?" Rajveer leaned forward to hear her clearly.

" Don't act as if you don't know me!!" She screamed this time.

Rajveer eyes narrowed and his lips set into thin line. "What do you mean by that?"

"I know you are here to destroy my sister's life like how you had destroyed me."

Rajveer opened his mouth to say something but shut it and took out his phone. He pressed few button and brought his phone to his ear.

"Noor. Where are you? Can you come home? Your sister is here." He said while he eyes Zoya. 

"Why did you call her?" Zoya tried to snatch phone from him but he dodge her and continued talking.

"yes baby everything is okay. Yes it's just that your sister car is broken and I thought you can drop her back home."

Noor heard the chaos in the background which made her worried. She quickly hummed in response and disconnected the call before she dialed other number and Aditya spoke on the other side.

"Why are you acting? Why are you here? Please ...please tell me" she saw him sliding the phone back in his pocket.

" Zoya What are you saying? I love your sister, she loves me. We are going to get married soon." Rajveer stood up and walked near the door.

"Don't destroy Noor please. She is innocent. She won't survive to go through what you had put me into." Zoya continued

"yesterday was the first time I saw you zoya then how can I have ruined your life. And for Noor! I have true feeling for her."

Zoya stood infront of him and got the knife out which she was hiding all this while behind her duppata.

"Look! I will kill you if you even think about to hurt my sister.I won't let her suffer." She aimed the knife at him but he easily dodged it.

"You have gone mad Zoya." he screamed while he tried to gain control on her.

"You are responsible for this." She aimed the knife in her throat and gave a little force.

"why are you back!! Tell me?" She screamed higher and salma came running from kitchen.

"What are you doing Madam please!" she tried to calm her but zoya refuse to ever pass a glance at her direction.

" why are you doing this? My sir is such a good man. You shouldn't be here to create a drama." Zoya's eyes pricked with tears as her heart bleed.

"Good man? He is a good man!" she laughed and continued, "This man has destroyed my family , my life and you call it a good man?" Zoya was pulling and pushing between the thoughts to kill him or kill herself. Her vision was blind with rage.

"What did I do zoya?" Rajveer demanded an answer.

"Shut up! Shut up you monster. What did you do? What did you do? You have ruined my life. Forced me to live in misery forever, made my life hell. You have raped me." She squeezed her eyes as she screamed.

Salma brought her hand over her mouth as she looked at rajveer unbelievably. "What rubbish!"

" Don't pretend! Don't you dare pretend? You have raped me for days and now you are here to ruin my sister's life." She fell down on floor as she cried .

It was so sudden when she heard a loud sound echoing through walls, she looked up to see Rajveer face turning from left to right. He was slapped. Noor had slapped him as she cried in anger.

Zoya felt a hand on her shoulder and found Aditya looking at her. He looked shattered. He looked broken. His eyes were dead. They were bleeding blood. It was not just his eyes were crying but his complete soul shredded tears. Realization hit her! He knew it. He found the truth. He will leave her now. Who wants to have a wife who had slept days with a stranger? Everything ended! Her life ended.

She looked up and then in front of her. Noor was screaming at Rajveer. Noor reflected the same broken expression which she had now. She heard lots of noises of things being shattered on hitting the floor. But everything faded in front of the silence her heart felt. Her lips moved to say something. What she could have probably told him? I am sorry? Sorry to keep you in dark. Sorry to that I betrayed you. What she could have said.

Her mind zoomed in and out as she heard a chilling scream from her destroyer. Her eyes got blurred due to the crying. She blinked her eyes just to feel the ground slipping off under her feet.

"Noor!! Noor..No noor" Rajveer kept screaming as he holds the unconscious body of noor in his arms. Noor kurti began to soak red. Her hand had a flower vase and tears were flowing from her closed eyes.

Rajveer immediately took noor in his arms and ran outside the door. Zoya's eyes followed him till they got disappear. Now it was just her and Aditya and the immense silence that left behind. She crawled on her hand and pushed herself behind till her back hit the wall. She was done! Done with the heart breaks, done with this world and the pain that it gave her. She was done with all the questioning eyes. She had faced them since she was brought back to her home, but now she didn't want aditya to look at the way he was looking at her. She cannot see hatred them. She was done being hurt, done being broke. She could not save herself and now she could not save her sister too. Ya Allah!

Her hand met the knife which had fallen down on floor in all the drama. She has picked up while she was dragging herself behind. Aditya failed to notice the threat in her eyes. He was too consumed with the thoughts. He was wounded.

I hate my life

I hate my breathe

I have a pain

That never ends

I hate the shouts

I hate the fights

I hate light

Let the darkness consume me this time

I am tired of those sleepless nights

She let her eyes gets close; she let herself fall freely from sky. She let the pain take away by the numb. She let her hands gets cover with red. She forced herself to see Aditya's face once before her eyes could no longer be open.

"It's all my fault she said." While she fold her hands in front of him.

She hurt herself so that no one could hurt her any more...

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