Bonus Chapter 17

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Have you ever been to the turn where there is dead end before you and your destiny is still nowhere near to see? Where everything in you has relaxed and you are no more worried about anything. Have you ever lived a moment? Where you are no longer anti with anyone! You don't care what will the next moment held for you. Have you ever realized...

Droplets by Droplets, Warm tears escaped her eyes as she tried to come in terms, that its only few breathe more before she would say Good bye to this cruel world that was never fair to her. She is going to die and she didn't regret her action. Surprisingly, zoya didn't feel a single pain as she slit her wrist. She was happy that her being gone will finally stop everyone's mean comments behind her back and she would be finally free of the horrific past. It's been few months for her marital life, she had hardly lived it properly and she had to leave him behind. She had to leave everything She cared about behind.

No one ever tried to hear her after she was brought back to her home. She wanted to explain her parents why she did what she did, but they refuse to stand in her shoe and blamed her for spoiling their name. She wanted to die in the hands of her parents. She even asked her mother to give her poison but they refused to let her die. They were not ready to answer anyone about her suicide. They were not ready to release her from her scar. They were worried for Noor's future. She didn't blame them, their one daughter is spoiled at least they wanted to save their other daughter. She was married in haste. She didn't know who she is being married to until the night they were in the room. She thought to tell him the truth and let him decide if he still wants her. But her family took her a promise that she won't let him know about the rape ever. Rape! A mere word that can destroy you, internally and externally together. Even if you survive from it, the world won't let you breathe without making you feel worthless about yourself. She cried as she asked her abu to call the police and let them get her kidnapper arrested. But this would spoil their family name in the society. Everything mattered to the one she loved except herself. They care society more than their own daughter.

Aditya looking at her smiling and lovingly flashed before her eyes. She knew he would not forgive her for many things and the top in the list would be dying without any explanation. But in the entire life for the first time she wanted to be selfish. She did not wish to face him. She just didn't have courage in her. She will miss him truly, his essence, his touch, his warmth everything. She will miss him. The way they cuddled up in sleep. The way they hold each other while having a walk in market. She will miss his hand in her. And mostly she will miss his eyes. The two orbs that holds so much love for her. She knew aditya was not weak as her and he would handle her truth but she was weak here and she couldn't see him in this situation. Now finally it will be the truth her parents would have only one daughter and they don't had to lie to anyone about zoya. She thinks as she reminds herself about the niyaz evening at her parents' house. I hope adi will find in his heart to forgive her someday. There was no way to describe when zoya heartbeat suddenly began to sink. Slowly and steadily she was slipping into the death.

Her eyes were close but she could hear the panic around her. She could hear Aditya screaming at someone. He won't let her die that easily, she thought sadly. She wanted him to say that this will be the best gift he would ever give to her in life. She wanted to tell him to let her go with ease. But she could not open her mouth to speak. As gradually she was dying she played every good emotions run before her eyes. The moments that made her happy. Her parents loving and smiling at her. Yes, she still wanted her parents to accept her. She craved for their love. Slowly and steadily her whole life flashed before her.

Her memories with noor fighting with pillow.

Her memories with abu where she played hide and seek

Her first biryani she prepared under guidance of her mother.

Her first night with aditya

His smile

The way he kissed her

All those time when Aditya confessed he loved her truly. Zoya saw a life where she was so happy with aditya. She was doing injustice to him. He loved her. He won't live a day without her as he always said. She knew no one dies with the dead person. But still she knew he would die if she left him alone in the middle of life. She wanted to grow old with him. She wanted to tell him how much she loves him. She wanted him to fight with her for hiding the truth. She wanted it all. For the first moment in several minutes zoya realized she wanted to live this life with Aditya. She loved her life because he was within it. She realized she cannot cheat him and die first. She could never forgive herself if She died neither would aditya forgive her ever.

Zoya thought about the society pinpointing at her and always found aditya standing in front of her to protect her. He gave her the confidence that she must never be afraid of anything if he is with her. She loved him and he loved her. If she died she would lose the chance of living a happy life she has dreamed of. Will her Allah! Forgive her after committing such a big sin. She has no right to take her life. Only Allah! Has the right to create someone or destroy someone's traces.

She wanted to fight the death but she was constantly losing to darkness. Now even his voices began to fade. She had to fight for him, for herself. For their dreams. She was late. Life was slipping like sand from her hand. She wanted to turn the time around and make things right. No matter how much she wanted to, she knew it was never going to happen.

Zoya embraced herself internally for the death when she felt the cold droplet falling on her cheeks. Zoya felt warmth embracing her face while her lips turned moist. She felt her body being slammed on a chest while her back being rubbed violently.

"Biwi...Biwi... You can't leave me. I won't let you go. I will never let you go." She heard his voice and with the sound she knew he was crying his heart out.

She felt his hand on her chest as it give pressure and then once again his lips were on her.

"How could you even think to leave me zoya?" he screamed between the kissed. She heard other people voice too but they made some incoherent word which didn't make any sense to her.

"No! She is not dead. Don't you dare tell me she is dead? My zoya cannot die. She cannot." he wiped her face with his sleeves and kissed her cheeks few more time.

"Baby, I won't ask you anything. I know you were never wrong. You cannot be wrong zoya. My zoya always thinks thousand times before She does anything." he sniffed

"Biwi, I am not blaming you for anything. How could you think your aditya won't understand you biwi? You know I love you more than anyone. You know i understand you more than my own self." he broke into tears so hard that hiccups began to appear in between his speech.

"I am sorry biwi. I was just scared, scared that you were living with so much pain for so long and i didn't even realize it. I felt your pain zoya. My silence was not to blame you. I could not speak with the shame that i did not understand what you were going through. I failed as a husband Biwi." he broke in to fits

"I am sorry zoya. Please give me another chance. This time i won't make any mistake. We will start fresh. We won't stay here if you don't want to. We will move away to the place far away where your past couldn't come haunting for you."

"Please don't leave me Biwi. I will die... I can forgive you for anything but i can never forgive you if you leave me alone here in this world to live a life without you." he said while he kissed her lips.

"I love you. I love you so much. Please. Come back .i need you." he dips his head and deepened the kiss.

The blood rushed in zoya and a drop of tear escaped her eyes. It traced her cheeks before it landed on his lips. He tasted the salty water and looked up to see her face. Her eyes were moving behind the close lid.

"Doctor!! Doctor!!" He screamed happily as if someone has given him his life back ....


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