Chapter 13

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She woke up with the sore and burning pain in the arm. She looked down to see an IV attached to her arm. A groan escaped from her chapped lips and her head fell to the side. She looked at her husband sleeping form. He must have slept in the chair while watching her. She did not miss the dry tears in his eyes. She is the reason behind his pain, her heart bleed on the fact. She kept looking at him until the exhaustion once again took over her and she fell back to sleep.
Soft rays of morning patted his cheeks and slowly he woke up. Her pale face was there in front of him. He felt pain in his heart which refused to die even when he patted on it. It was late in night when zoya was brought to private room after her condition became stable. Aditya walked up to her bed and pulled up a chair for himself and sat on it. He lets the silence linger in the air as he simply looked at her with love. He hand reached on her cheeks and caressed it. His hands began to trace her feature from her forehead to her lips and then lasting for few seconds it moved to her chin. His fingers once again made its way to her eyes and he brushes his fingers gently over her eyelashes and smiled. He leaned on her face and kissed her eyes. Few drops leaked from his eyes and rested on her cheeks. The cold drop of tears slowly began to bring her to consciousness. He stared at her lips intensely. He really wanted to capture them with his own but stopped on realizing this could wake her up. She needs rest after the heavy medical dosage. He puts his head down near the nape of her neck and watched her sleeping form. She was in front of him that was enough for him. He wanted her to be safe, to be happy in his life. He wanted to be with her when she wakes up. He just doesn't want her to suffer anymore. He just doesn't want her to disappear from his life as his parents.
He felt her stir and he straightened himself. He looked at her and she was blinking her eyes to get rid of last traces of sleep.
"You are awake, are you feeling better?"
Zoya opened her mouth to speak but no voice was coming out. He nods in no and chuckle. Aditya took her hand in his and sat on the bed next to her, facing her. He smiled and pushed the hair away from her face then squeezed her small hand. She tried to move but she had no strength in her. All she wanted is to cuddle with Aditya. Aditya felt her movement and carefully moved her weak body over in the hospital bed. He kissed her knuckle and laid besides her carefully handling the hand with the IV on it. "Tum bahot buri ho." He said as she rested her head on his chest. His heartbeat was managing to soothe her pain magically. "Bahot buri ho tum." Aditya blinked his eyes a couple of times to push away the tears. He quickly pecks on her hair and continues to stare at ceiling. She felt his fingers making smooth circles on her skin and smiled inwardly.

Aditya woke up to a nurse tapping him on his side.
"Sir, please wait outside for some time. Patient needs to get change her clothes." Aditya unwillingly nods and pulls himself out of her warmth carefully before walking out of the door.
He waited patiently and let the nurse do her job. When she finished she called him out and he went inside. "How is she doing?" He asked
"She is absolutely fine. Wait for the doctor what he has to say and I am sure ge will too give her discharge soon. Oh Mr. Hooda, your wife is awake and all she is asking for is you." She said smiling at him. Aditya beamed at her and nods.

As soon as zoya found him entering the room she stretched out her hand for Aditya's warmth. She heard the footsteps and her fingers were enveloped with his cold ones. She opened her eyes to see a tired Aditya looking down at her.

"I want to go home." She said softly

"We will go home soon Biwi." He smiled at her "for now look who is here to see you." He said while looking at the door. She followed his eyes and found her mother and Noor looking at her.
"How are you Api?" Noor came rushing while aditya sat at the edge of the bed and began speaking with Roshan, zoya's mother and filled her with the details that had happened during the last couple of hours.
"What happened to you api?" She asked and Aditya's ears perked up waiting for the answer.
Zoya passed a glance at her mother and instantly her mother understood her unsaid words. She tried to divert the topic but Noor refused to let it go. She kept on asking the reason without getting the hint. Zoya saw Aditya's intense eyes it may look that he is not paying attention to their Convo but she knew his focus was only on her right now. She gulped and began shaking while coughing. She could hear voices calling her names and then there were doctor and nurses rushing inside the room. Soon the blackness embraced her and she gave in.

Few hours later the steady sound of the monitor woke her up. She felt startled when she heard his voice. He was talking to someone over phone, pulsating with the rage. "Don't argue a word. If I find him before you he will not survive a single day more to see the sunrise."

She looked around and saw her mother and sister sleeping on the sofa nearby. Her mother woke up with the jolt.
"Ammi I saw him" she said as her monitor started to speed up.

" ammi he was there. He...he was one of them."
"I saw him ammi. I saw him." Her entire body shook with anger and pain.
Her mother's eyes widened at her words when she turned around and found Aditya glaring at them.

"Who was he zoya?" He asked as he walked inside and slid back in the bed. Tears threatened to leave her eyes and she blinked several times to push them away.
" ONE..." She stuttered.
Aditya looked at her for a while before he pecked on her forehead and nods in yes.

Flash back

She sat with her back rested on the wall. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she looked disheveled. Her eyes were locked on the darkness before her. He had made the deal. She did it willingly. She hated her own body. She wanted to scrub her skin on every spot he had touched. Thankfully he was not around her. He left her the same night when he had finished. He put the clothes on her back and made her lay down on floor. He passed few minutes circling her stomach and back, the drop of blood stain were enough for him to know she was pure and now must be in pain. He had waited for some time for her to speak something to her but she did not utter a word nor did she pass him a look. He looked at her one last time before he left, trapping her in the dark.

Few days have passed she didn't know how many. Honestly she had lost the track of time. All she knows now there were not many voices around her. She could hear only his voice mostly. She knew very well it's him even when he stood in the dark without any movement. She knew his presence.
The door opened once again and she heard the footsteps
"Hi sleeping beauty" he whispered while blindfolding her.
She very well knew what was going to follow next. He would either sleep next to her or repeat the assault. Either way she had no strength to fight him. She was only given the amount of food that can keep her alive and not to give her energy. She felt him moving next to her and then a hand slides under her pulling her into him.
"You are like a drug to me zoya. The more i have the more i want." She felt him nibbling on her ear.
" when will you let me go?" His hands began to move on her skin.

"Soon...very soon. Your father has agreed for ransom. Once we get our money. You are a free bird." He pulled her cloth aside and began kissing on her expose skin.
"...i..." She tried to come out of his grip
" i what." His kisses were assaulting her expose neck
" Stay away for few days. I am..." She hangs her head low. She bites her lips and squeezed her eyes.
He smiled at her and removed her clothes with one swift movement.
"You are a bad liar still have a week for that." He said while dipping his head on her breast and sucking on it.
She was shock was an could he know? How could he? ...
She tried to look at him through the cloth tied over her eyes as she repeats... "That's he could!!!"

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