Chapter 24

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Before You all start reading I warn you all its going to be the longest update of mine till date. Like I seriously have spent whole afternoon behind it. This story has few phases. The phase one was about revealing the truth of her rapist. And below is phase 2 of the story. I wanted to write it in one update hence it took so long.

Happy reading everyone!


"She doesn't want me anymore. She wants to cut all ties with me." Zoya heard him say in her semi-conscious state. She thought to open her eyes but the heaviness in them made it difficult.

Whom is he talking to? She could hear only his voice. She gathered up all her strength to peek a little at him. He has his hands over his ear and his back was facing her. The blurred state concluded her that he is over phone. Zoya wants to seek help from whoever was on other line. So, she moved a bit to lift herself up.

"How can I let her just walk out my life. You know what she means to me."

He paused and quickly glanced at her while she acted as if she is asleep. Aditya turned again and hummed. "I tied her to the bed to ensure she doesn't escape me without listening to everything that I have to say."

The mention of ties brought her attention to her hands. Now, she understood why her body was not functioning as she want. She lost interest in play and attempted to get up. She struggled to get her hands free. Her struggle only got his attention to her. He quickly kept the reciever aside and in a swift movement stood next to her. Her struggle began to bring severe headache. She wanted to hold her head and massage but her hands were restrained.

"Don't struggle hard. You will hurt yourself." She looked up at him with the trace of sleep in her eyes. She was still half conscious.

She felt his hand brushing over her eyes to make it close and then his fingers effectively massaged her forehead to help her get relief from pain. As much as she wanted to deny he could really read her in and out and no matter how much she wished to hate his touch. It still soothed her in every way possible. Soon she felt the pain getting subside.

Zoya fluttered her eyes open that surprisingly felt light and her vision got better.

"Why did you tie me Aditya?" her voice came as hoarse.

"just so that you can hear me completely without distraction or running away." He said as he pecked a side of her head.

"Release me now. You cannot force me to do anything out of my will. Just let me go, open my hands."

He didn't respond anything to her screams. She kept on yelling and draining herself to the point where she was completely at his will. Once he realized her state. He wrapped his hands around her and gently brought her head on his chest.

"Don't judge me. Without knowing me." He began...

We always were a competitor of each other. Whatever I did he, he was already better in it. We use to play , fight and live together. He was my superhero. My Brother.

Sahir and I raced down the stairs to get to the breakfast table but I tripped and fell down. Luckily I was on last step and my bum came in midway. I couldn't help but laugh at my brother's expression. He looked worried but then he burst out laughing silently. I got up quickly to face out Mom's wrath.

"No Running down the stairs, Aditya." Mom scolded only me. Sometimes I felt sahir was her favorite child. She never said anything to him. She ignored him many times. Infact nobody ever involved him in anything. I have never seen Mom or dad ever speaks to him. Sahir couldn't speak, but still we never had communication problem between us. He was very protective of me. I remember when local spoiled kid tried to bully me he had taught them a good lesson.

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