I felt like crying so bad.

I hate him sooooo much. If there was a word more intense than hate for what I'm feeling towards him right now then I'll gladly use it, because how on earth am I meant to get home? It is getting late and this place is very far from his office and my house.

He didn't even let me explain.

I didn't even know a single person here and the weather looked like a storm was coming up.

I need to get out of here.

I went out of the compound and walked on the street to try and at least find a taxi, 10 minutes into my hunt I realized I might be wasting my time because not a single taxi had passed since I had started walking.

And I couldn't just stop a random person and ask them to help me, with the situation the country is in right now? I'm not trying to get kidnapped. That being one of the reasons why I need to get back to my father's house as soon as possible, the storm that was coming up was making the atmosphere look later than it is.

I walked for what seemed like hours before I found one.

I panted as the man stopped right in front of me and he rolled the window down "hello sir, can you please take me to central area?" I asked the driver through the window.

"Ah, it's very far from here o."

"I'll pay you extra, but the money isn't with me now, I'll give you when we reach there" I told him.

He shook his head "no, I don't agree, that was what someone told me yesterday and they ran away without giving me my money" it was almost comical how he didn't wait a second as he drove off, rolling his window back up as he left.

Well here goes the only taxi I found.

I gaped at the retreating car in disbelief, why did I even tell him I didn't have the money with me!

I decided it will be better to go back to the office I just left and find someone to give me a phone, or help me order an Uber or something, because finding a taxi here is hopeless.

I turned back on my heels to walk back in the direction I just came from, cussing out Umar Kashmir in my head for being an evil wicked man, because of him I have to take the 45 minutes walk back to the office, after the 45 minister I just spent waking here, And the only time I'm doing this much walking my phone isn't with me to get my steps in! Life sucks.

Just when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse...rain started to fall.

Oh My God.

This is honestly the worst day I've had since this year had started.

I was quick to increase my pace, but the way the heavy rain poured on me and the way it felt like the breeze was threatening to take me away I decided it would be best to find a Plan C.

I spotted a huge tree a few feet away from me and I quickly ran to it and I squatted under it.

It was big enough to cover me up from the rain.

I hugged my knees to my chest as I rocked myself back and forth, hastily muttering duas for God to protect me and make me go back home safely.

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