Section Three - Fatherhood

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Imagine - you go into labor in the middle of the night and Zak is freaking out.


You and Zak have been together for six years. You two have talked constantly about possibly having a child together, but where you and Zak are constantly busy, the conversation was quickly dropped. One night after getting back from an investigation across the country, you and Zak have a night of blitzed passion for the first time in what seemed like months, this would be the night where every mistake was made.
Three weeks later, you began having symptoms of pregnancy. You expected this, but Zak did not. You convinced yourself to test yourself of your possible pregnancy, which was in fact positive.
Your nerves shook rapidly as you were seated on the toilet. You were financially stable to take care of a child, so that didn't haunt your thoughts, but you were scared of the disadvantages that this would bring you: you couldn't travel at a certain stage of pregnancy, you couldn't exercise as hard as you did, you felt restricted on many things. And most of all, you were scared of the pain you were going to be in once you went into labor.

-"Baby? You okay?" Zak knocked as you were now in the bathroom for over an hour.

-"Y-yeah. I'm fine." You said as you set aside the test to face Zak.

-"Are you sure? You don't look like you're okay." Zak stopped you as you stepped outside the bathroom. Was it the time to tell him? Not yet.

-"I just don't feel good." You lied.

-"I'm sorry, sweetie." Zak soothed as he pulled you into his arms as he kissed your soft forehead.
You were never the type of girl that could keep something from someone, especially the man that was always by your side.

-"Zak, I have to tell you something." You whispered as you looked up at him, his palms cupping your face. A part of you knew that he probably had a good idea as to what you were about to say, "I'm pregnant." You immediately looked to the floor, wondering what he was going to say - good or bad.

-"Really?" Zak asked.

You nodded your head, "Yeah." tears were now rolling down your cheeks. He did not look happy.

-"Why are you crying?" Zak asked as he wiped away the tears.

-"Because I know you probably didn't want kids!" You argued.

-"Then why would I have came in you?" Zak smiled. Was this man serious?

-"Because it was an accident?" You asked.

-"Yeah, it was." He answered sarcastically.

*Eight Months Later:*

You were now twice as large. Zak was over-joyed at the thought of the arrival of his first son. Even from the ultrasound, he looked so much like his father.

You stayed at Zak's mother's house while he was away because of his home's hauntings. He did not want you staying there by yourself. He had finally arrived back home from Europe after a hard location and you were overjoyed that he was home, but sad that he seemed extremely tired.

Once he picked you up from his mom's house, a white smile was plastered on his face as he saw you and your belly.

-"Thanks mom!" Zak smiled as he took your hand.

-"You're leaving already?" She frowned.

-"Yeah. I gotta get her home so she can sleep." Zak replied as he pulled his mom into his arms and thanked her for looking after you. "Let's go, Gracie!" Zak smiled as he pulled out her leash.

-"How do you feel?" Zak asked as you two were now in the car heading home.

-"I feel a lot of pressure. Your little man is aggressive!" You laughed as you kept your palms on your large abdomen.

-"Hey! That trait didn't come from me!" Zak smiled as he kissed your knuckles.

-"Ugh! Finally home!" You said as you waddled to the kitchen to fulfill your cravings of pickles and strawberries.

-"Let's go to bed, penguin." Zak laughed as he let Gracie off her leash as you could hear her paws hit the concrete floor.

-"I've been waiting to hear that all day!" You grunted as Zak helped you up what seemed like the never-ending stairs.
As you two lay in bed for hours, a sharp pain enters the room's silence. You've had many sharp pains, but nothing like this. It felt like all of the pressure that surrounded your lower back and abdomen was about to explode.

The sharp pain returned. You now knew that you needed to go to the hospital as you remembered that you were two days overdue.

-"Zak!" You exclaimed as you rapidly shook his arm. You felt so guilty for waking him as you knew he was exhausted, but you couldn't drive to the hospital by yourself!

Zak took action as he knew what was going to happen eventually. He slid on his shoes before picking you up bridal style for you to avoid walking as he picked up the bag that you had packed for the hospital two month prior to your due date.

-"Just breathe, you'll be okay." Zak soothed as he was now out of the front door and to his car, which for the first time he left unlocked.

You were more scared that Zak was going to wreck by driving so fast! But you were grateful for it too.

-"Oh God, this hurts so bad!" You cried as you clutched Zak's free hand.

-"You're going to be okay, just breathe!" Zak said as he pushed down the gas pedal further, now going 85 miles per hour on the main road. Thank God Las Vegas' traffic wasn't as bad at this time of night!

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