Section Thirty - His Mina, Her Dracula

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Zak was always one to say he wasn't a heavy drinker or any alcohol consumer for that matter, but he felt like he needed it on this night - Halloween. He and his girlfriend have been together for almost a year, cherishing every moment together while on the road on a next ghost adventure, looking forward to spending another day together. But recently a family tragedy has occurred, leaving both of them to be somewhat distant in the household. They both dealt with grief differently; he was distant and seemed angry while she needed him when she felt alone. She longed for his touch, his 'I love you's, his hugs, his comforting, his everything. Their emotions are two different phases. 

Halloween was finally present in Las Vegas. Zak was secretly excited for his small get-together at his house to celebrate the premiere of the new episode of Ghost Adventures: Deadwood as well as his favorite holiday. 

He was glad to hopefully be wearing his fangs that Father Sebastian proudly made for him later in the night. They were seductive and charming all at the same time, hoping to win back over his girlfriend with something new since it was their first Halloween together as a couple. Zak had a plan if things went the way he wanted, even though he was deeply afraid and nervous to ask his girlfriend for her hand in the bedroom after about two weeks of being emotionally and sexually separated. 

A small get-together turned into what felt like the whole city of Las Vegas was in his house when it was just Zak's closest friends and their friends, which were mostly gorgeous blonde women with supermodel figures, women that Zak used to have eyes for when he was younger until he met his current girlfriend. What he loved the most about her was that she wasn't like any other girl. She was a rare breed and he never once lost interest. He admired how strong she was, especially after the tragedy that severely disturbed their relationship and what-was-going-to-be family.

He saw how hurt she was. He knew she needed him, but he didn't want to show his feelings about the situation to her since he felt nothing but angry about the tragedy; angry about how it happened, angry about why it happened, angry at God for letting it happen. She had never looked so beautiful now that she took the time to dress up into an elegant costume to fit her character - Mina Harker.

Zak felt seductive in his attire. His black hair slicked back, his brisk cologne, and his eyes locking on one person - her. He wanted to dominate her, sink his teeth into her tender neck, watch her eyes roll to the back of her head as her toes curled in immense pleasure. She looked innocent, like she never had intimacy before, like she was nervous about any kind of romance. That's when he knew that she was ready. She loved the feeling of being nervous, of innocently exploring his body without any second thoughts. 

-"Hello, miss." Zak smiled, approaching her, handing her a glass of champagne that he had saved especially for her - Cabernet Sauvignon Hyperion, one of Transylvania's finest wines. 

She blushed, "Why thank you!" She smiled, accepting his token. 

He snaked an arm around her waist, his palm cupping her abdomen as he pulled her close to him, watching her bite her bottom lip slightly as he knew she enjoyed his gestures. "Have I told you that there are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of those lights, the light of all lights." He spoke from a direct quote from the book as he watched her cheeks flush. 

-"Yes, you've mentioned it before, handsome." She flirted, placing her palm on his chest as he pulled her closer into his torso, letting her know that his testosterone was flowing like a river. 

His lips pressed against her forehead gently, hearing the talk in the room go dim for what felt like a century. "I want you," He whispered against her skin. "I want you now." 

-"Well, sir, I want you as well, but there's quite a ball going on here in your home.." She smiled. 

-"You're right. I wouldn't want them to hear how I'm going to dominate you." He winked, watching her insides churn through her eyes.

-"Well, do I have to remind Dracula himself that he has a dungeon?" She insisted, watching his testosterone levels rise through his eyes. 

-"Dracula doesn't come out unless he's in the dungeon. Wait until my fangs come in." He whispered into her ear, teasing her by nibbling her lobe. 

-"I may just keep you waiting.." She teased.

-"No, I want you now."

-"I forgot that whatever Dracula wants, he gets." She giggled. 

-"That's for damn sure," He stated, grasping her hand in his as he led her through the small crowd, stopping once he got into Billy's sight. "Keep an eye on things for me. I'll be right back." Zak told him. 

-"Want me to turn the music up louder too?" He laughed. 

He turned and looked at her, then back at him, "Yes. Preferably some rap or dubstep. Something with a fast beat." He said as she blushed. 

-"You got it, bro!" Billy laughed as he patted Zak on the shoulder as he walked by. 

-"Wait here," He commanded once they were in the dungeon. The light was a dim red, almost as dark as blood. Candles were lit softly, the cold of the stone embracing their warm bodies soon to be hot by sex. He approached her from behind, snaking his arms around her waist, trailing his veined hands up her abdomen, clutching her breasts.

A sharp moan escaped her lips as she felt what she expected on her neck - his fangs digging into her tender skin. Her nipples erected at his sudden gesture, goosebumps rose on her arms, her sex begging for his entrance. She tilted her head back to where it was resting on his shoulder, giving him full access to the meal he would call her neck. He turned her around to face him, clutching her face in his palms as he longed to kiss her lips for two weeks. He was hungry for her, ready to watch her orgasm flow over her more than once, ready to see the scratches on his back the next morning, ready to claim her as his again. 

He breathed through his nose sharply as he tasted blood from her bottom lip that one of his fangs punctured. His body ached for her insides. He continued to kiss her as he guided her back into a wall, her moan becoming louder as the intense chill on her back took her aback. Both of his palms now rested on the wall on either side of her head as he pinned her with his body, providing warmth and intense sexual desire. He ran his hands down her sides, grasping her buttocks as he lifted her up to wrap her legs around his waist to feel his erection. She covered his face with kisses as he gently laid her on a stone table that sat in one of the rooms of his dungeon. 

-"Now let's get down to business," He hissed as he kissed her collarbone as his hands ran up her dress to find her underwear. Her legs opened for him without hesitation. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her, which was the thing they failed to tell each other during their absence of communication. 

That's why there's scratches on the wall in one of Zak's seclusion cells in his dungeon. Watch the tour video. 

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