Section Nine - Always Remember

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*This is a requested imagine by an anonymous user. This is not meant for disrespect, so please don't take it into the wrong context. This is not meant to disrespect the witnesses, victims, and families of the September 11, 2001 attacks.*

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

You, a young, twenty-five-year-old adult, was starting your life on your own in the concrete jungle - New York City. It was your dream to be in this city, and you thought that you couldn't start your life anywhere better than New York.

To start off your morning, you went to the small coffee shop on the corner before you went to work. As you waited at the bar for your fresh black coffee and sticky bun, you accidentally touched elbows with a man, who looked about the same age as you.

-"I'm sorry!" You apologized as he looked at you.

-"Don't worry about it," He smiled, "What's your name?" He asked politely.

-"Y/N, what's yours?" You smiled, extending your hand for him to shake.

-"Zak," He smiled, "It's nice to meet you. Are you here on vacation?" He said, starting your conversation with confidence.

-"No, I just moved here. You?"

-"Yeah. I'm here with my mom. We're from Michigan."

-"So am I!" You raised your brows, "My parents are from Trenton, and I was born in Detroit."

-"That's where we live. I was born in D.C."

-"I just came from there! I stayed there for a little bit before coming up here." You said before your conversation was briefly held once your coffee and sticky bun was ready.

-"Leaving already?" Zak frowned.

-"Not just yet, but I have to go soon, though. I gotta drop some papers off my the Trade Center before going to work." You sighed.

-"Do you need a walking buddy? My hotel is half a block away from the Trade Center." Zak smiled and stood up.

-"I wouldn't mind that at all. I never really liked walking the sidewalks by myself."

-"Here, don't forget your sticky bun." Zak said as he handed it to you. You were rushing yourself too much that you almost forgot your breakfast.

-"Oh! Thank you!"


-"You have nowhere to be today?" You asked.

-"No, I don't go back to work until I get back home." Zak replied as you two were now walking in the cool air of September.

-"Lucky you. I have to go right after I run my errand." You groaned. Sure, you loved your new job, but today just wasn't the day. It's was Tuesday, and the beginning of the week was always Hell.

As you saw the North and South tower of the World Trade Center, you knew it was time to sadly end your conversation with Zak.

-"Thanks again for walking with me." You thanked.

-"It's no problem! I actually had a good time," He smiled as we were now standing in the plaza, just before the entrance into the towers, "I wish I could see you again." He admitted.

-"Me too, but if fate wants us to see each other, then it'll happen!" You winked as you said your good-byes before walking towards the entrance.

You stopped dead in your tracks as your hand grabbed the door handle to the very loud sound of what sounded like an airplane. Why did it sound like it was flying so low? You thought. You shook it off as you determined it to be the echo of the turbines since it was flying over all of the buildings. But your conclusion was wrong as all you could hear was the rattling of the massive building in front of you, and the sound of glass sharding in every direction possible.

-"Y/N!!" You heard Zak exclaim over the noise. You turned around to see him sprinting at you and grabbing your wrist, jerking your papers out of your arms as he practically drug you away from the plaza.

-"What're you doing?!" You exclaimed frantically before looking back to find where all of the noise was coming from. You immediately started crying as you couldn't believe what your eyes were witnessing.

You and Zak ran half a block to what seemed like his hotel.

-"You're safe now." He said, out of breath.

You made a hurry to get to the nearest window to see what was happening.

True terror right before your very eyes.

-"Have you ever seen anything like this?" You whimpered as you held your hand over your mouth.

-"No," He replied as he walked up behind you, "It's just an accident." He assured.


Zak stood by your side the entire time you watched the fire escaping from the tower, until the second plane hit. Now you knew.

America was being attacked.

-"Oh my God!" You cried as you turned to bury your face into Zak's shoulder.

He made no refusal to put his arms around you, holding you tightly, "Everything will be sorted out."

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