Section Eleven - Surprise!

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Imagine: Zak's face when you tell him you're pregnant.


{Zak's Point of View}

We had driven to upstate Nevada for a Return to Goldfield episode. I always looked forward to trips like these because, unlike being in a plane and being separated from each other, we actually got to chit-chat and look at the great views on the way. I decided to drive for this trip, as (your name) finally was able to come with us due to her job. She rode in the passenger seat while Billy and Aaron sat in the back. Just hearing those two men talk about the stupidest shit cracked me up. As for (your name), she was a little moody. She's never usually like that, unless it's the dreaded 'time of the month,' so I just left her alone. I knew that woman like a book. When I say I left her alone, I kept our conversations short because anything that sounded wrong, she would get mad about. I really hated this time of the month. But, I better get used to it. I never understood why women were so emotional, but I guess they wonder why we always have to be the dominant ones.

I reached over to grab her hand as I could see worry in her eyes, something she never showed, unless she was watching a new episode every Saturday night. But other than that, she was always bubbly and funny. And that's what I loved about her, more than anything. Her touch soothed my driving stresses, but the look in her eyes made me worry. She refused to look me in the eye. Almost as if she was hiding something from me.

-"You hungry?" I asked.

She nodded yes, but still didn't look at me while she replied. It was getting dark, and me and the guys knew this really good restaurant/bar inside the hotel we were staying at, and a cold beer in my hand sounded good at the moment, and honestly, a night of really good sex.

-"Yeah, I'm starving!" Billy and Aaron chimed in as we were less than two minutes away from our hotel.


I kept my eye on her. Something wasn't right. She was hiding something and lying to me about it. I've been with her for four years and I know exactly how she acts while she's on her period. She didn't drink any wine or margarita, but I couldn't blame her, none of us really were in the mood for alcohol. Even though we talked about it on the way in, getting in the presence of it made us not even crave it.

I noticed she kept going to the bathroom a lot, too. My first thought was that she just wanted to get away from us, but a more serious thought was that she may be developing a bladder problem, or maybe women just pee a lot after a long time on the road? I didn't know, but she was worrying me. If this was some kind of sick game for me to pay attention to her, then she was winning.

-"Is she okay?" Billy asked, putting his phone down on the table.

-"I hope so. She's been acting like this for days." I lied.

-"Is she pregnant?" He asked.

Hell no. There's no way she could be pregnant. Even if I did 'make it rain,' it still, to me, wasn't possible. I was over exaggerating because I really wasn't planning to have kids in my future, or to get married. Who really could see me being a father?

-"No. She's on her period." I said, my voice stern and full of hope that my reply was really the case.


She sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her swollen feet. She groaned, tearing her blue jeans from her hips and her blouse from her breasts. We've been together for so long now that we could take a shit in each others' presence. We just don't care. She seemed to be breathing more heavily and sharp, like she was out of breath. But we've been in our room for at least an hour, why was she so tired?

-"Are you okay?" I finally said as I put a small bag of popcorn in the microwave.

-"Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired. That's all." She replied, waving her hand at me before covering her feet with the bed linens.

-"You know we've been together long enough to be able to tell when one another is lying." I stated, watching the bag of popcorn spin slowly as it was being heated.

She didn't reply until I looked over at her. She started crying as she looked at me, getting up and walking her well-toned, thin/chubby body over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and crying against my shoulder. I had no idea what was going on. She had been acting like this for weeks, and she must've enjoyed watching me worry. I swear I was already turning grey.

-"You need to tell me what's wrong." I said, rubbing my hands up and down her back.

-"No, I don't. You'll leave me." She cried. Immediately, I thought she cheated on me.

-"Yes, you do. If there's something wrong, tell me so I can fix it." I assured her as I planted a comforting kiss on her bare shoulder.

-"You can't fix this." She replied, trailing one hand down my right arm, her fingers circling around my wrist as if she were to lead me somewhere, and placed my hand on her abdomen. My heart sunk. My throat was dry. And my stomach was in knots. It was true.

-"Why didn't you tell me?" I said, keeping my hand where she had put it, letting her keep her gaze away from me. The look on my face said it all; shocked.

-"Because you'd leave me."

-"I'd be stupid to do that." I whispered, rubbing my thumb on her abdomen, feeling her skin tremble.

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