Section Seventeen - Ice Cream Man

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Today was a day that was full of errands. Zak and I had been together for almost a year now and have been successful at keeping our relationship out of the public eye of social media. I had gone to Wal-Mart to get groceries as I was also killing time to wait on Zak who had also been running errands, but asked if I wanted an ice cream while he was out. Of course, I accepted. What girl could decline ice cream from her boyfriend? Definitely not me! Finishing my shopping, I got the text from him that said he now had the ice cream and wanted to know if I would meet him somewhere or at his house. He knew where I was shopping, but I didn't have time to reply as I was pushing my buggy to my car when I got the text.

I packed my car of groceries and drove to the nearby gas station to fill up my car as it's quite a long journey from my house to the grocery store, paying it no mind that Zak's matte grey Lamborghini pulled up on the other side of the gas pump. My eyes were focused on the gas pump as the numbers went up. I wanted twenty dollars in gas, not a penny more. I'm not big on pre-paying for gas, so I just pay with a credit card so I can pump and go.

-"Pst." I heard the person say from the other side of the pump, ignoring it as I would a stranger. "Pst!" The person said again, but a little louder, now holding a cup of vanilla ice cream from the other side. My heart melted as I recognized his wrist tattoo.

I smiled, "Zak! You bastard! Why're you freaking me out every time you see me in public!" I laughed.

-"I had to get gas too and you didn't answer my text whether or not you wanted me to meet you somewhere." He smiled, watching me take a bite of my frozen treat.

-"I'm sorry. I was busy at the register and getting to the car because today is the day that once out of the year that Vegas decides to rain!" I laughed.

-"It's okay, sweetie. You better hurry, though. I have an extra cup of ice cream and I have a plan for it." He winked, knowing he just made my insides flutter of excitement and almost sexual arousal.

-"A plan for what?.." I asked.

-"Don't worry, my plans are always thought out. Let's just say it'll be a little chilly with what I'm going to do with it," He winked before putting up the gas pump. "Are you coming over today?"

-"Yeah, I just have to run home and drop my groceries off and I'll be over there!" I said, also putting up the gas pump.

-"Alright. I'll see you later. I love you!" He said, sneaking a kiss before leaving the gas station.

Dear God, this man.

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