Growing Up- The UnNatural Way

Start from the beginning

"Really?? Awesome!" He shouts and sprints up to me, gripping me in his vicelike hug. I smile and hug him back, burying my face into his hair.

"Guys! There's been a break in at the Ninjago Museum of History. And the security cameras picked up you-know-who!" Nya shouts, running up the stairs and joining us on the deck. We all turn to her and my eyes crease in worry.

"Garmadon." Cole states, scowling along with the rest of them.

"What would Garmadon want with the museum? He was alive for half of it anyways!" I say in confusion and the ninjas give me a strange look. I blink owlishly at them.

"What? Some people DO have extended, or everlasting, life you know." I roll my eyes as that shakes them out of their trances.

"Well, whatever it is- we have to stop him before he uses the Mega-Weapon to start another one of his diabolical plots!" Jay shouts and I back up. Yeesh, violent child.

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay here and train." Lloyd groans in disappointment. I grin and wrap an arm around his shoulders.

   "Don't worry. I'll keep you entertained. I don't feel like creeping through a museum in the dead of night. I've done enough of THAT for a lifetime. You should've seen your dad, uncle and I at Chen's...." I snickered a little at the memory and shook myself out of the reminiscent when the ninja agree with Lloyd and run away for more details.

   "As soon as their gone, we're going out." I whisper to the green ninja and wink as he jumps in excitement and pumps his fist.



   "We'll meet up at the Bounty as soon as we're done." Kai tells us, as they prepare to set off in the Radar. It was around an hour from sunset and I stand with an arm slung over Lloyd's shoulder. Nya was on his other side and leans down, her face in a slight grimace.

   "We'll be waiting for your safe return." With that, they drive off with a final wave to and from me. I watch them and let out a huff of air. As soon as we couldn't see them anymore we turn around, and I go for my satchel. Well, purse. I had changed it into a small purse.

   "Ugh. Too old for comic books and too young to fight. When are they gonna make up their minds?" Lloyd complains to Nya as I grab his black hoodie and walk up to them. Nya smirks.

   "Come on pint-size. Show me what you got." I grin at her statement and wink at Lloyd.

   "Sorry Nya. But when the cat's away, mice will play. Lloyd and I are going out, might be a little late so don't keep dinner out for us. We need some us time, and Lloyd needs to be a kid again." I shove his balled up hoodie into his stomach and he lets out a little- oof, HEY!- while Nya smiles.

   "Alright, but you two take care of yourselves. Not that I'm worried but just in case." I nod to her and swing my purse over my shoulder then put back on my cloak. Lloyd ties his hoodie around his waist and we jump off the Bounty, starting the long walk into town. 

   When we get there Lloyd looks in awe at the signs that were all lit up and the different shops.

    "So, where are we going first green bean?" I grin over at him and he rolls his eyes at the nickname, but brightens up when he realized he got to choose.

   "Can we go to Doomsday Comix first? Then we can get dinner then do whatever!" His smile is a mile wide and I grin back, linking our arms.

   "Of course. Lead the way boss!" I laugh as he drags me (I LET him drag me) down the streets and towards the comic store. We laugh and talk about everything that's happened so far as we trudge down the street, getting either smiles or strange looks from other people on the way.

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