Bad guy

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Peter lead the way through the patches of forest dotted around the main road. Things were getting sparse, and occasionally they had to sneak past ally ways and back roads. Kanza rested on Peter's shoulder, and turned around so she could keep watch over Ava, who rested in Jordan's palms as he carried her close to his chest.

Peter thought about Howard and the plans he had for Ava and her kind. He knew that America's military would be extremely well equipped with little assassins/spies as part of their arsenal, much more intelligent and capable then any drone or technology. But as much as he supported that idea. It didn't seem right to enslave an entire species to do it.

Every now and then he would peek over at Kanza. Her and Ava had gotten very close, obviously they had a lot in common. But with that thought came his feelings for Kanza. She wasn't just beautiful with her wild fiery hair and wings.  She also carried herself with pride and strength. Yes, she was scared at first, but she warmed up pretty quickly despite the circumstances and seemed to adapt well to this new turn of events.

Jordan said his home was close to where he found Ava.  Peter hoped that Howard and his gang would not be there, but he knew that was a target location. They still had to pass through the inner city. That would be the quickest. Peter knew that the risks were high for Ava and Kanza especially. Not only did he know that drone spy's could be a possibility, but also, many birds of prey made their home in the big city due to the high number of street rats.

The best way would be a cab and then they could just bypass everything. Eventually he might even have to confront Howard again, if they were caught, with Jordan and Ava... but now, he was concerned not only for Ava, but how would he hide Kanza? What if she was caught too?

He never wanted to be the bad guy.... but he understood that he might have to, to save them.

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