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Immediately a swarm of red lights flickered in the halls. Howard and Desmond ran after Peter! Fawn landed on Peters shoulder after the escape and clambered into the pocket with Ava, taking his top off and covering her with it for added warmth. Peter ran to find an exit. He knew the facility well, but he raced towards the top of the building near the landing pad that was positioned on the roof. Howard's men were not far behind, hot on his trail. Peter shot through the door and yelled as loud as he could. "HERE!" As he did, a swarm of Avians launched out of the forest. Three of them landed on Peter and immediately began removing Ava from Peters Jacket. Fawn helped her out swiftly and followed her and the three others to the safety of the trees. Peter sighed with relief. Now it was time to find kanza and the others.

As the solders clambered up the stairs, Peter stood and waited. Before the soldiers could seize Peter, about ten strong Avians with bows at the ready speared through them. They grouped together and overtook the large enemy's. A dozen or so flew straight into the facilities open doors as Peter shot though the chaos and back into the building. The Avians followed Peter to the Avery. That was the only other place that they would hold the avians. He was sure, but that must have been were they were keeping Kanza, since he didn't see her in the lab.

Another group of four soldiers cut them off from another hallway, guns ready. But before Peter could even begin to fight them off, the group of Avians that were with him whooshed past and tore off their helmet gear, and released arrows into their faces, some pierced their eyes sockets. The commotion behind Peter was overwhelming, as he could hear the echoing of Howard far down the halls, "Don't HARM ANY of THEM!" He commanded his solders. Meanwhile they were pelted with arrows, as they tried to catch them with minimal success. Peter made his way quickly to the Avery, and slammed the keypad lock with his boot several times. The lock clicked open but the door jammed. He grabbed the side that opened slightly and yanked it as hard as he could. There was enough room for an Avian to fit through. "Kanza!" He yelled. "Are you in—" something soft and red smacked him in the face. He almost thought he had met the same fate as the solders down the hall. It was Kanza! She hugged his face, kissing his eyelids and brows. Like Velcro, Peter laughed with joy and put both hands up to catch her as she slid down into them. He pulled her to his chest and hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her. "Thank you, for coming back for me!" She sighed with relief.

"I could never leave you here!" Peter sighed back.

"Hurry!" One of the Avians shouted as they waited for Peter and Kanza.

"Come on, kanza! We have to get out!"

"What about Ava!" Kanza asked worried.

"She's safe, don't worry!" Peter replied.

"Jordan?!" Kanza asked. "Is he okay?"

Peter almost forgot about Jordan. Not intentionally, of course. But he almost made it out without him.

He remembered were they kept the prisoners. But it was all the way at the other end of the building.

"By now, the fire alarms had been activated and Water was sprinkled from the ceiling. The Avians that were following Peter landed on him, as their wings were getting soaked. Peter looked like a man that had sprinkled bird seed on his cloths, attracting every bird in town.

The Avians clambered on him, holding on to dear life while also trying to keep their arrows at the ready. "Hurry!" One yelled. "We need to leave!"

Peter understood. He hurried to the exit at the top of the building where he had infiltrated the facility. Leaping over fallen solders. Thankfully, he made it out to the top of the landing pad and pushed the doors open.

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