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Jordan smiled warmly as Ava flew back into the clearing. He held out his hand, allowing Ava to
land inside it.  "Are you okay?" He asked as she looked back towards the tree line. 

there was a moment of stillness.  Both Jordan and Peters eyes widened as they both saw the red haired Avian appear. 

She flew into the sky above them, circled and then landed about six feet from Jordan and Peter. 

"Ava!, whos this?!"  Jordan asked surprised. 

"Just wait.!" She motioned to Jordan.  Ava jumped off of his palm onto the ground near Peter, who inches back instinctively. 

Kanza, crouched into the long grass.  Her auburn red wings did not hide her well against the vivid green of the feild.  Ava walked over to her.  "Ava, they see me."  She stated, scared.  "Now what?"

"Kanza, take my hand."  Asked Ava.

Shaking slightly, Kanza reached for her.  Ava gently led her to the two humans standing in amazement.  Kanza walked close behind Ava, trying to avoid their prying eyes. 

As she slowly approached, Jordan bent down to greet Kanza.  Startled, she pulled away from Ava, grabbing her bow, and nocking an arrow.  Jordan immediately put a hand out to her, trying to calm her down.  "Woah, woah, Its alright!" He motioned. 

Ava turned turned around, facing Kanza.  "They are not going to harm you, relax." 

Kanza breathed heavily.  "see.." Said Ava, turning to look at Jordan and Peter who were paralyzed with wonder.  "They mean you no harm." 

After a moment, Kanza lowered her arrow, letting Ava lead her to them. 

"Jordan, Peter, this is Kanza.  She is alone, and is going to come with us." 

Jordan smiled, "Nice to meet you." He greeted kindly.  "Me and Ava go way back." He grinned, looking at me and winking. Ava returned the grin.

Peter slowly bent down, putting a knee on the ground.  "Nice to meet you." He greeted.

Kanza stood there, about a couple feet from Jordan and Peter.  She was shaking slightly.  "Your doing great."  Ava whispered to her.  She looked at me and managed to crack a nervous smile. 

Ava walked over to Jordan, who extended his palm out to her.  Peter watched curiously as she motioned Kanza over.  She hesitated, looked up at Peter and then quickly walked over to Ava.  "come on." She nudged, holding her hand out her to her as she stepped into Jordan's palm.  With much bravery, she did.  Jordan lifted them gently, standing to his full height.

She clung to Ava like a dry leaf in Autumn.  "Its alright." Jordan reassured her.  Kanza didn't say a word.  Ava looked over at Peter, who also stood up.  He looked back at her and smiled.  It took a lot, but she finally smiled back. 

"Well, its getting late.  We should probably make a shelter while its still light."  Jordan insisted.

The evening sun was getting lower by the minute.  It would probably be another few days before we reached the city on foot.

"There should be a road, not far from here." Peter said.  "Another day, and we can follow that straight to the city." 

Just at that moment, the sound of chopper blades pulsed in the air.  "Hurry!"  Peter yelled.  They rushed into the trees.  Jordan held Ava and Kanza close.  "Hide!" Peter ordered. 

Kanza flew out in front of Peter and Jordan.  "This way!" She said, motioning them to follow.  She was fast, Jordan and Peter struggled to stay with her.  The helicopter was getting closer.  Ava's heart raced. 

A dark entrance of a cave appeared through the thick foliage.  They all rushed inside of it, laying low as the helicopter flew past.  It flew very close to the ground, obviously looking for traces of the three fugitives.  The wind from its blades engulfed the forest, whipping limbs and branches as it passed.

Jordan sighed with relief. 

"That was one of ours." Peter said, looking up out of the mouth of the cave.  "They are looking for us."

"Crap." Jordan reacted.

"Its okay." Peter reassured him.  "They just cant know that I'm helping you."

He looked at Ava worriedly.  She sank into Jordan's palm, knowing exactly what that meant.

"Ava?" He asked.  He walked up to her and bent down.  Then unexpectedly, he put his hand out. 

"What are you doing?" Jordan asked, confused. 

"In order for me to help you, I need Ava to at least act like she is bonded to me."  He answered.

"What? But she's not!" 

"I know, but if they catch us, Ava will be the one they want.  If she shows loyalty to me then they wont be so eager to take her captive.  Jordan, you need to pretend to be my captive if they find us, okay?"

Peter looked back at Ava.  She hesitated. 

"Ava, I just want you to feel safe with me.  When the time is right, it needs to be convincing...."  He paused.  "I'm so sorry, for what I put you through..... Please forgive me." 

Ava took a deep breath.  Then willingly, but slowly, stepped out onto his palms.  The memory of the facility flashed into her mind.  A chill ran up her spine.  But then it disappeared.... He gently held her to his chest, and embraced her in a soft hug, putting a hand over her wings.  He had never done anything like that before.  It was different... unlike the Peter she knew before.... not following orders...

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