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Assistant Waters reached for a small syringe, and handed it to Howard.

"we are just going to get a sample." He told waters.

He moved closer to her with the needle. She was forced to watch as he carefully extracted some blood. When he was done, Ava sighed with relief and closed her eyes.

"Go ahead and process this." Howard told Waters as he handed him back the blood filled syringe.

"Okay." He took it back near the computer and emptied the contents into a small vile.

Howard wiped his gloves on his lab coat. "Okay, now we just need to make sure we can find you."

He reached for a large tube like needle. Ava managed to flinched a little. Howard stared at her concerned. "Woah there!" He teased.  

With one hand he held Ava on her side, folding her wings into her back. With the other, he carefully felt with his finger along the back of her neck. Then with a "ah ha!" He felt between my left shoulder and my spine, poking the needle into the soft tissue.  Something small and hard entered into her skin. She grimaced.

After the procedure, Ava was placed back in her cell. About ten minutes later, and she was back on her feet. She couldn't stop fiddling the back of her neck, there was a subtle raised bump where the object was injected. Howard had already left the room, and Waters stayed typing into the computer.

"Please don't mess with it to much." Ava was stared by his voice.

A little embarrassed, she nodded swiftly and put her hands down. He warmly smiled and went back to typing.

Ava struggled to say anything. Communication with these particular humans didn't seem to even matter.  But she wanted more answers. Ava inched towards the front of the glass wall. Waters noticed her position and looked over at her, an expression of curiosity flooded his face.  Ava looked down, avoiding eye contact, trying to be brave. He patiently held his gaze, somehow knowing she wanted to say something.

"Why are you doing this?" Ava finally asked.

Thomas Waters looked baffled, but also surprised by her question. (I think he was also amazed that she was actually talking to him.)

"I... Uh. Well you" He stuttered a bit, not sure how to tell me. "I'm not supposed to say." He finished. Looking into his hands.

"Not supposed to say because its EVIL!" Tynon called out. (He was the master of sarcasm)

Waters pretended not to hear what Tynon just said. "I'm just following the protocol." He responded, while looking back at Ava. His eyes held a level of sorrow, yet she sensed there was compassion.

Ava stood up straight. "I'm willing to do whatever you ask of me.... " It took every fiber to spit that out.

Waters inched closer to her, she backed up a little.

"I'm not even really supposed to be talking to you." He whispered. "But,.... your going to need to sound a little more convincing."

Ava closed her eyes and sighed.

Waters gave a faint sigh as well and went back to his work. This was going to be harder then she thought.

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