Close Call

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Howard stood behind them. He held Thomas at gun point. Thomas was frozen in fear. Jordan stopped in his tracks, I could tell he was struggling to leave Waters in that situation.   Ava ducked deep into Jordan's pocket.  

"Leaving so soon are we?" His sinister voice sent chills down her spine. (yes!)

Then a calming voice called from behind doc. Howard "Ava!"... It was Peter. He walked out from behind Howard and Waters.

Peter had earned Ava's respect. She listened to him and he listened to her, like a true friend. But she knew she couldn't trust him truly. He was a puppet, just like she was. Ava slowly peered over Jordans pocket.

"Get down Ava!" Jordan whispered frantically. Ava didn't budge. She needed to needed to show these humans that she was not afraid. That she was brave.

With agile, she climbed up to Jordan's shoulder. He stood still. Ava confidently rested her hand on the side of Jordan's face to tell him it was going to be okay.

"Peter!" Ava yelled back.

He smiled at her, then extended his hands out, ready to catch me. "Your going to be okay, Ava. Your safe with me!"

Was he serious, it wasn't even him Ava was concerned about?! He looked hopeful as a moment of hesitation passed.

Ava took a deep breath. "Peter.... Thank you..... But my trust, and my heart is with Jordan."  Jordan blushed, deep in thought. 

Peter's smile dropped and for a second Ava felt sorry for him. Jordan, on the other hand, peered down at her with startled eyes.

"So it seems." Howard broke the stillness. He took the gun from behind Waters and pointed it at Jordan. Ava's heart skipped a beat. Jordan froze. Howard was not playing games.

"Nothing personal, Jordan. But that creature is much too valuable." He said bluntly.

Jordan tensed, but before Howard could pull the trigger, Waters turned and grabbed his arm, wrenching it away from Jordan. ' BANG!' It went off!

"GO!" Waters yelled at us, as he struggled to keep Howard down.

Jordan quickly nodded and ran!. Ava braced herself as his legs carried him rapidly.

She looked back briefly, Peter had vanished. Concerned, she scanned their surroundings.

Out of the doors was a large asphalt lot with a few black SUVs parked. The building behind them was very large, spanning at least fifty acres. Several sections stretched out in different directions. The distance beyond the facility was surrounded by a fence with large barbed wire lining the top. A large warehouse stood on the far right end of the perimeter. Inside the large opening where large military trucks and other equipment. The whole facility only had one way in and one way out by an enforced electrical sliding gate. The area beyond that was a vast wilderness . But she noticed city lights rising in the distance beyond it.   behind those were the mountains. It was beautiful.

Jordan realized they were trapped in the facility's perimeter. Out of desperation he ran to the military warehouse and climbed into one of the trucks. He quickly searched for the keys. "Come ON!" He stampered, stressed.

Commotion began to near as the guards began to descend on their location. 

Ava noticed a small silver object under the mat of the drivers seat. Hopping down onto his lap and down to the floor, she reached for it. "What's This?" She asked, holding it up to him.

"Perfect!" He said as he reached down and picked her up, setting her onto his lap, and taking the keys from her.

The vehicle started. He pushed the gas hard and they sped out of the warehouse! The vehicle accelerated quickly.

"Brace yourself!" He ordered.

Ava ducked and put her hands over her head. shielding her body with her wings. Jordan tried to prevent her from falling.


The vehicle smashed into the fence. It broke and danced right over the top of them, doing little damage to the strong armor of the truck. Jordan did not stop. He sped fast through the tree line and into the forest.

..........they weren't out of the woods yet.....

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