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Fawn, a young male Avian had agreed to be bait in Peters return.  The Young Avian had shoulder length light brown hair and golden eyes.  His wings were light brown with spotted white tips.

Early the next morning Peter had changed his cloths to better suit his needs and to look presentable to Howard.  A clean shirt and tactical jacket and pants.  Fawn was tucked away in the jackets front chest pocket.  He quivered slightly,  questioning his decision.  Peter looked down at the Avian as he drove a newly stollen truck towards the facility.  "It's okay, little buddy, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."  Fawn looked up and smiled sheepishly. 

Peter drove slower than usual, high overhead, he was being followed by a group of Avian warriors. 

The lights in Ava's room flicked on.  She had no rest that night.  All that she could think was Jordan's soft warm hands around her, his sweet smile warming her heart.  Instead of assistant Dale, it was two guards in black that retrieved her.  One lifted her with the binds directly with both hands and placed her in a mobile cell, and carried her through to the next room.  Inside she could see the lab equipment and the previous cells on the side.  She looked to see if Kanza was still there.  But she could not see her anywhere.  She could hear Doc. Howard shouting at someone in the hall outside the closed doors, as she was placed down on the operating table.  Ava couldn't make out what was said.  Howard opened the doors and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"We'll." He gestured to one of his guards in black.  "It looks like I'll need you to be my assistant today."
He pointed to the other one.  "You, out." He ordered. The other one stayed in the room, standing next to Ava's enclosure. 

"Exciting day indeed!" Doc Howard Hollered as he walked over to the computer and typed in a few things.  As he typed into the computer, he paused to look over at the guard.  "What's you name." He asked. 

"Desmond". The solder responded.  He stood with hands behind his back. 

Howard walked to the basin and began prepping for more invasive procedures.  Ava thought about what Howard had said yesterday about a 'baby bump'.... Ava had not given children much thought, mainly because she had never given any thought about Avian males.  Jordan was the only one who she had feelings for.  But she knew that nothing could happen between them in that way.  She thought about a possible baby.  What would happen to the baby after she gave birth?  Would Howard steal it and torture it as he did her?  The thought made Ava quiver.

Howard finished prepping and walked over to Ava.  He opened the hatch door.  With Ava strapped down, he felt confident she couldn't escape.  Ava was weak.  She had spent the night in such a state of despair that she just coward under Howard's looming shadow.  He undid her bonds that held her limbs and wings and gently cupped her with both hands lifting her up, out of her cell.  The guard stood by and watched, amused. 

Ava's once bright eyes had dark circles under them and her skin looked pale.  She could only focus on her breath at this point, as she she knew her chance at an actual life was over.  She coughed slightly, curling her legs and arms within herself.  "Aren't they remarkable?" Howard lifted Ava towards Desmond like show and tell.  Desmond looked at Ava curiously, but also with a hint of pity.

Doctor Howard placed Ava on the same operating table as yesterday.  Tinctures, and syringes lay beside Ava.  Howard strapped on a mask and made Desmond wear gloves and a mask as well.  Ava lay on her back on the flat surface.  A bright light revealed the true state she was in.  She just stared up into the light, as Howard prepared. Ava didn't even flinch.  She tried to envision Jordan. 

Howard took a syringe, "to prevent future complications, you will be awake for this one, my dear. But don't worry, you won't feel a thing."  He said through his mask.  He pierced her abdomen with the solution.  Ava felt numb all around. 

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