Knock, Knock

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A loud knock on the door broke the silence. Jordan jerked his head up, "Hold on, Ill be back." He said with worry on his face.

Ava's heart started pounding, there was no where she could go. Another loud knock on the door sent chills down her spine. She listened as the door opened. Jordan yelled loudly "NO!!" Several humans in black pushed their way into the home.

Franticly, Ava ducked under the blankets in the enclosure.

Jordan struggled as the soldiers searched the home. "in here!" a voice called in the bedroom doorway. the sound of scuffling humans filled the room. Ava's heart raced.

The books were lifted one by one off the lid. For the first time, Ava wished for her lid to remain closed. Holding her breath, and ready to dart out at any moment, she tensed. She could hear the lid being removed and a gloved hand reached inside.

"Careful." A soldier's voice cautioned.

Ava started to feel the weight of a large hand brush across the blanket. one,.. two... THREE. Out from under the blanket, Ava darted upwards and out as fast as lightning. Grasping the top edge of the glass box with her hands and feet, Ava catapulted herself into the air.  Many humans wearing all black and heavily dressed awaited her. "Catch IT!!" Another voiced yelled. A rush of excitement filled Ava's soul as those first few beats with her wings were taken. Racing  towards the ceiling, she tried to turn.   She was going too fast though. Ava hit the wall and started falling, trying to grasp anything within reach.

Before she could hit the ground, her fall was broken by a small net. Ava struggled in it, trying to find a way out. Only entangled herself more. She became exhausted quickly. In the room were four soldiers. They wore black, large heavy vests. "Target acquired." One of them radioed.

The man holding the net reached for Ava with his glove covered hand, another one carried a small cage. With care, the man with the net grasped her and guided the net into the box, plopping her inside. Ava scampered to her feet. The door shut quickly which sent her clambering to the back of the enclosure. Ava was so afraid! Who were these humans? What did they want from her!? The small holes on the sides were the only ones. The only view to the outside was a small grate on the side.

"Jordan!!" Ava called.

"Ava!!" He replied in distress.

Passing Jordan, they moved out the front door. He was on the floor with handcuffs, with two large men on his back, holding him down. Another held the door open. The outside quickly became the inside again, except it was the inside of a large black SUV.

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