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The room was white. A thick wall of glass separated the room into two sections. Jordan sat with his back up against the wall, his hands were bound behind him. He looked much worse than the last time she saw him. He was missing his shirt and had on a pair of thin shorts. His body was covered in bruises.

"Ava!" Tynon whispered loudly again. "LETS GO!"

"Tynon! I know this human."  As she pointed through the vent at the large male figure.

Tynon inched over and peered out. Then looked back at Ava with deep concern. "Looks like the humans don't like him either?.... NOW, lets go!"

"I'm not leaving him here!" Ava said firmly. She was frustrated with Tynon. "He saved my life— Now its my turn."

"Ava, if you get caught again, you have NO life!"

"I wont expect you to understand, Tynon. Go! I am going to help Jordan."

Tynon sighed with defeat. Ava was a stubborn Avian, but she had a big heart.  "Ava, are you sure you can trust this human?" He asked.  "Yes, Tynon."

He put his hand on her shoulder. "Then... I trust you."

Ava was surprised by his response. Warren would have dragged Ava away if she had wanted to free a human. But Tynon seemed to have more understanding, and faith in her.

"I will find a way out. You rescue your friend... I will be awaiting your escape Ava, so don't take too long." Warren cracked a smile at Ava. Ava nodded, and Warren turned and hurried down the vent shaft with a slight limp in his stride.

Ava  sighed deeply. Jordan's head hung low as he sat cross legged, his short shaggy hair hung over his face. Quietly and quickly Ava crawled out from under the vent. Jordan didn't even notice. She darted forward, running, using her wings to propel herself through the gap between them.   She ducked behind his thigh.  "Jordan!" Ava whispered.

His eyes opened slowly. Raising his head in surprise, and looked around frantically for the source. Ava placed her hands on his leg. "Jordan."

Jordan looked down by his side to see Ava crouched down. "Ava! Thank goodness!"  He looked overjoyed at the sight of her. He wiggled, trying to get free to no avail. "How did you?— are you hurt?— I missed you so much!"

"I'm okay." Ava replied, trying to calm him. She was more concerned about him.

"What did they do to you?" Ava gently touched a large bruise on his thigh. She felt so bad for him, humans were capable of so much hurt.

"Nothing I cant handle." He grinned. He slumped down closer to get a better look at her. Ava was wearing a black shirt and black shorts. Her shoulder length hair had been neatly trimmed on a regular bases to keep a professional look. Dried blood covered the skin around the base of her neck and down her forearm. 

"Ava! Are you hurt?!" Jordan tried to reach for her, but his bonds wouldn't allow for it

"I am fine, Jordan, don't worry." The sound of the alarms filled the hallway outside.  "We need to get out of here, quickly." Ava pleaded. Jordan nodded in agreement. 

"Here." He wiggled his hands behind his back. Ava looked to see a cord wrapped tightly around his wrists. Ava walked around to his binds and reached for the shard that she had tucked in her clothing.  She began to cut at the binds carefully. 

Jordan turned to see Ava sawing at the cords.  "You come prepared!" He laughed.  Ava stayed focused on her task.  Knowing that the humans outside were still a threat.  

"They tried to get me to tell them where I found you." He said slowly. Ava paused, instantly worried.

"They would have to kill me first." He explained.

Ava released a sigh, and then gave one last slice with the shard.  The bands fell to the ground, and without warning, she was scooped up by Jordan's now free hands. 

Alarmed at first,  she fell back into his palms. 
She was quickly carried to his chest in a warm embrace.  Ava could hear the strong pounding of Jordan's heart.  The warmth of his chest radiated through her, and his gentle palms cradled her.   She didn't resist. 

"I have been so worried about you Ava.  Thank you for coming back for me."  He
Spoke softly. 

Suddenly the door slid open on the other side of the room. It was Thomas Waters!

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