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Tynon lay on the platform, seemingly lifeless.

"Tynon!" Ava gasped, as she raced to his side. "Why are you-"

"AVA!" He spoke hastily. "you need to get out of here NOW!"

"What!? Why! What's going on?"

"After this test, they are going make you take them to the tribe!" Ava's eyes widened.

"I wont do it!" She replied angrily.

"AVA, listen!" He looked into her eyes, very much concerned. "If you don't, they are going use you to create more of our kind!" She stared at him, and gulped. "They want to WHAT!?-"

A shark pain began in her shoulder.  Apparently, she was taking too long.  Grabbing at the source of pain, Ava grimaced.

"Reach into my left hand, Ava!" He asked. "Hurry!"

Quickly she opened his hand. In it was a small shard of glass.

"Cut it out!" he ordered "Quick!"

Without hesitation, knowing this was her chance to make a break for it, she Braced herself for pain.  She sliced into the skin where the lump was.  blood seeped out and down her forearm. She clenched her teeth to keep
from screaming.  She grabbed the chip that was imbedded inside her, it was about the size of a grain of rice, and she was relieved to finally be free of it as she dropped it on the ground. 
Ava quickly tucked the shard in her waistband, knowing that it may help her escape. 

"Ava." Tynon quickly began. "You have done extremely well.... better and more patient than I could have been. When you take me back down, you need to seize the opportunity as soon as that door opens. Find a way out!"

"What about you!?"

"Don't worry about me Ava..... I'm old....and spent. But your still very young, and you need to get back home.... to be free.  Not subservient to these human's!"  

"I WILL come back for you!"  Ava assured him.

Ava bent down and lifted him onto her back, holding his arms around her neck. He was not light, but she managed. Spreading her wings out and standing at the edge of the platform, she pin pointed Peter. Waters waited patiently beside him. Peter seemed nervous as he waited.

Ava closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Time stood still for a moment.... the deceit had twisted her thoughts of Peter. On the outside he seemed like a good man.... But he was just like Waters... Just taking orders. "You cant fool me." she whispered under her breath.

The door began to open.

Ava did not hesitate.

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