Leaving so soon?

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The sound of a heavy breathing filled the room. Ava felt surrounded in blankets. She opened her eyes a bit, they were dry and crusted over.
Rubbing them,  she flexed her wings, causing the blankets to fall of her back....WAIT! WHAT? She wiggled them, then again. Both of them, at the same time. YES! It did not hurt, not one bit! She looked up at the huge mass beside her.

A tired Jordan was curled up next to her, holding her in the wad of blankets she had been buried in. His chest brushed right up against her and his warmth radiated like the sun. Ava could here his lungs fill up with air. She quietly stood, fixing her cloths.   She gently crawled over the mound of blankets around her. Though, there was no way she was getting over his arm without touching it.

Ava put her hands on his hair covered wrists ever so gently glancing at his sleeping face. Carefully, she dragged one leg over. But as she did,the heavy breathing ceased.   Peering up, she was stunned to see Jordan's surprised face. Before she could get her other leg over, Jordan lifted his arm up that Ava straddled, sending her sliding down, Catching Ava in his other palm.

Immediately, Ava outstretched her wings. He sat up quickly and put his other hand over her head.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled, pushing his hand away from her.

"I don't want you to fly off yet." Jordan pleaded. "your wings still need to recover!"

Ava still pushed at him. Though his hand was much stronger. Stubbornly, he cupped them around her, making it impossible to move.

"please, let me go!" Ava yelled. At this point she was angry, she needed to escape, and fast!

"Ava! If you fly now, it might do more damage."

"I don't care! Let me go!" Ava yelled, struggling.

Jordan swiftly got off the bed with Ava in his hands. He walked over to the glass cage on the desk, gently setting her down on the blanket inside it. With one hand to hold her down and the other to place the lid on top.  As he tried to close the enclosure Ava quickly jumped, trying to escape. He was too quick. Ava was trapped once again in the stupid glass box. He placed several large books on the top, holding it down firmly.

Ava was fuming! How could he do this to her?! AGAIN! "Jordan, you said I could trust you?!"


Falling to her knees and covered her face with her palms, Ava began to weep. She just wanted to get back to Warren and the tribe.

"Ava,... just because your wings feel fine does not mean its safe yet. I'm trying to protect you the best I can, but you need to trust me." His words were sincere. She looked up from her hands, wet with tears. Taking a deep breath, remembering her first encounter, she knew that Jordan's heart was good, and that her eagerness to leave had not given her a clear head. "Jordan..." she started "I do trust you."

He sighed with relief. Jordan was sitting at the desk, his face close to the enclosure. His hand rested on one corner of the cage.

"Ava, you've been out for three whole days. I have had to spoon feed you and nourish you back to health. When I came back home, I found you curled up in my shirt by the door. You were burning up, and you wouldn't respond. I called my friend over and thankfully he was able to fix you up. unfortunately I think he overdosed you on the antibiotics..." His face looked worried. " I had to call him over several more times to check on you." His eyes became wet "I thought I was going to loose you.." He brushed a hand over his eyes.

Surprisingly, he seemed to care about her as much as Warren....

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